Paticia - Discussion & Chat

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05.09.2007, 20:03

Paticia - Discussion & Chat

Here's a pic of Patricia on ETV2 today.

[hidden link - please register]

03.10.2009, 01:05

Re: Paticia - Discussion & Chat

Just a question: was it Patrizia the one that did masturbate at ETV2 (it was a solo show if I remember correct or maybe the other one was in her breaktime)?

31.08.2009, 11:20

Re: Patricia


19.07.2009, 12:27

Re: Patricia

hey mimimi9999

Maybe she's gone.

18.07.2009, 20:13


Hi all,

does anyone know where patricia is?


03.07.2009, 22:30

Re: Patricia

Missing since 10 days, my fears could be real but I hope that Patricia is on holidays and she will return

Unfortunately, 3 weeks ago and Patricia seems gone. No surprise, Etv don't want anymore hot models.

Shame to Mr Ressel. 

16.06.2009, 13:02


No more nightshow for Patricia ? She was the number 1 of 2008 but since the new rules she doesn't seem motived to do nightshows.

The reason ?

Anyway a big loss for the nightshow.

Pity, i can compare her with Safo last year and we know unfortunately the end....

10.08.2008, 14:11

Re: Patricias nude show

Patricia's new hair style looks realy nice (color) and she has a nice body also ,a compliment for her.(but as always no other model can't /will replace my favorit model )

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

06.08.2008, 18:03

Re: Patricias nude show

Patricia is so beautiful. She is really cute

04.08.2008, 18:53

Re: Patricias nude show

No one has mentionrrd lovely Patricia's show with Lilian on ETV2 nearly like the old days.......

10.07.2008, 11:33

Re: Patricias nude show

Yes, Patricia is very sweet and sexy. The has a nice face and a great body. Beautiful Girl.

But Eurotic itself got worse than before. The shows the girls do are very short and the directors do show other girls inbetween too instead of staying on the girl which is making the show and those djs often talking while a girl still making a show. that was better before when veni und this dark hair vicky were there. For me the shows could be without DJs. it would be enough if the girls themselfs would talk from time to time.

08.07.2008, 09:01

Re: Patricias nude show

I missed the whole yesterday shows because the storm got my dish burned. Luckily I got everything else disconnected. I have a question, did I miss anything special? Was Emily on stage? Getting hotter or again doing nothing?

08.07.2008, 01:25

Re: Patricias nude show

Panties down again tonight.

06.07.2008, 09:42

Re: Patricias nude show

I saw that part of the show and I was stunned. Those were some nice pussy shots from behind. But it was short time.

04.07.2008, 13:47

Re: Patricias nude show

Patricia is very nice and her smile is one of the best at ETV, and she is warming up, pity she's just a summer model.

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