Models leaving ETV

2.75 (12 rating(s))

(2.75 / 5, 12 ratings)

Amateur models online
Author Posts

01.07.2013, 10:10

Re: Models leaving ETV

A good news!!!!!

01.07.2013, 09:08

Re: Models leaving ETV

Evah gone Cry

17.06.2013, 22:36

Re: Models leaving ETV

Sad, very sad that Rose the innocent and genuine face has to leave us.
Every time we make the decision to love someone, we open ourselves to great suffering,
because those we most love cause us not only great joy but also great pain.
Scarlet, Gia and Kate just to mention the treasures we lost.
The greatest pain comes from leaving … the pain of the leaving can tear us apart.
So, when someone is crying, of course, the noble thing to do is to comfort them.
Therefore, our comfort and console are: "What a lovely thing a rose is"!
Wishing you future roseoHeartThumb up

17.06.2013, 20:19

Re: Models leaving ETV

lazaridis wrote:[quote='willie41']

Can someone tell me the logic in letting Rose go, but hiring a model like Pink at the same time ?!

maybe because Rose WANTED to go?

17.06.2013, 18:14

Re: Models leaving ETV

lazaridis wrote:
willie41 wrote:I see that rose and Aria have left ETV.Aria was very good at directing shows. Also she was at ETV a long time. Good luck in your next path. Rose was sweet and cute. Good luck..

Oh, Rose is leaving too ? That's so sad Sad She was kind and quite amusing. All the best to her In love

Can someone tell me the logic in letting Rose go, but hiring a model like Pink at the same time ?!

The ETV is very difficult to find something like what we call logic, this channel is already so and others will not. Regards Ironboy

17.06.2013, 18:07

Re: Models leaving ETV

willie41 wrote:I see that rose and Aria have left ETV.Aria was very good at directing shows. Also she was at ETV a long time. Good luck in your next path. Rose was sweet and cute. Good luck..

Oh, Rose is leaving too ? That's so sad Sad She was kind and quite amusing. All the best to her In love

Can someone tell me the logic in letting Rose go, but hiring a model like Pink at the same time ?!

17.06.2013, 14:20

Re: Models leaving ETV

I see that rose and Aria have left ETV.Aria was very good at directing shows. Also she was at ETV a long time. Good luck in your next path. Rose was sweet and cute. Good luck..

11.06.2013, 19:54

Re: Models leaving ETV

hope is gone!Cool

10.06.2013, 23:23

Re: Models leaving ETV

lazaridis wrote:I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, but where is Angelina ? No show this week, and I can't find her thread any more Confused

here the threads...

[hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register]

she also needs a break. probably the next week she's back...

10.06.2013, 23:20

Re: Models leaving ETV

I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, but where is Angelina ? No show this week, and I can't find her thread any more Confused

04.06.2013, 16:57

Re: Models leaving ETV

outside wrote:It seems Brown also is going to leave.
Tomorrow her last show.
I wish an engagement for her singing career, she has been the youngest among the roster.
A big kiss and a flower.

And Alicia has just confirmed today is her last show.

I' ll miss both, I think Brown could do better in nightshows,and I was
curious to see what Alicia would do
Anyway I wish to both success, happiness and loveCryCry

04.06.2013, 16:33

Re: Models leaving ETV

It seems Brown also is going to leave.
Tomorrow her last show.
I wish an engagement for her singing career, she has been the youngest among the roster.
A big kiss and a flower.

And Alicia has just confirmed today is her last show.

04.06.2013, 16:30

Re: Models leaving ETV

Sometimes ago I wrote "the bad weed never dies"
All nice and pretty girls have left while the old and
ugly girls still survive.
It's true: bad girls in ETV are hard to get rid of.Angry

04.06.2013, 14:01

Re: Models leaving ETV

Italianfan wrote:For me It's better to fire some directors Thumb down, some cameramenThumb down and the tv-plannerThumb down, not the girls Thumb up

Amen Big Grin

04.06.2013, 13:54

Re: Models leaving ETV

lazaridis wrote:
Slowfox wrote:
lazaridis wrote:....
Giselle Queen was undoubtly one of the biggest ETV jokes. The schedule mentions "Giselle", but during the shows she was supposed to be called "Queen". So what ? Is it possible to remain a little bit logical ?

For the avoidence of doubt.

In ETV's schedule on their website she was consistently scheduled under the name 'Queen'.

Nothing illogic in this.

Only "Giselle" appeared here : [hidden link - please register]

Which is this forums schedule site and not ETV's. The motivation to use the name Giselle here has certainly good reasons.

ETV self always used 'Queen'