Katelin - Discussion & Chat

3.88 (8 rating(s))

(3.88 / 5, 8 ratings)

Author Posts

11.08.2014, 12:51

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

why she is leaving etv

10.08.2014, 22:40

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

I will miss her very much Cry

10.08.2014, 19:41

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

We will miss you Heart Cry

10.08.2014, 17:24

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

[hidden link - please register]

Do not cry, dear Katelin! Cry
Everything will be good for you! Heart
Farewell, and be happy! In love

10.08.2014, 17:03

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

So, yet another sad day in ETV history... Cry

Another amazing, beautiful, shining angel leaving ETV...

No words can explain the sadness and emptiness after she´s left...

For me, she is and will always be one of the most beautiful, warm, amazing angel in etv-history!Heart

I´ll hope she will have a great & wonderful life after ETV with a new great successful job-carrier!

10.08.2014, 16:34

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

Time to say "Goodbye" to Katelin CryCry
I wish her good luck for her future life, health and happiness SmileSmileSmile
Thanks for spending almost 10 months in Etv and for the good moments you gave us Thumb upThumb up

10.08.2014, 12:45

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

Why should you go when you're going models? Sad

02.08.2014, 17:58

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

axedave76 wrote:why she leave Cry i can belive it, why the beatiful girls gone ? etv disaster director he like kiara , sugar ....but beatiful girls gone, you remember mimi, stasy, briana, candy, and ......., etv die Thumb down

My friend, please note that some girls (so called oldies you named) have got ETV way of living life because
everything else is uncertain future.
when things don't work out in life, they work out on stage.Angry

02.08.2014, 16:16

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

why she leave Cry i can belive it, why the beatiful girls gone ? etv disaster director he like kiara , sugar ....but beatiful girls gone, you remember mimi, stasy, briana, candy, and ......., etv die Thumb down

02.08.2014, 02:48

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

[hidden link - please register]

Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th
16:30 CET - Katelin - Daytime Premium Show - 15 min

30.07.2014, 21:30

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

Katelin,soft day model,let's not remain disappointing,at least,better then you go out.

30.07.2014, 17:29

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

[hidden link - please register]

The last two her FTA shows before leaving:
Saturday 09th, Sunday 10th at next week, so she said. Sad

29.07.2014, 11:45

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

Watcher wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:
Bravocbr wrote:I don´t understand
< snip >

Sums it up ...

Free cheese is only in a mousetrap.Cool

29.07.2014, 09:41

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

lucifer70 wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:
Bravocbr wrote:I don´t understand
< snip >

Sums it up ...

29.07.2014, 08:40

Re: Katelin - Discussion & Chat

Wilsonsand wrote:
Bravocbr wrote:I don´t understand why ETV have premium shows with girls who don´t get naked!! Envy
pretty clear: to get the money from all those (a lot of people expecting nudity from this kind of models) who thinks maybe they will see the model naked. Do you remember Evah & Brona premium?Confused

the relation nudity-premium shows is not always right, and nobody should not buy anything following that relation. Actually ETV is making premiums with performances which can be perfectly broadcasted in fta in daytime, they try to make you pay for shows they offered for free in the past as standards.

This behavior isn't honest and it has a name and his name is scam........Cool
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