Karry - Discussion & Chat

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11.09.2012, 19:51

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

CommanderData wrote:
John3000 wrote:she has no homepage?

Like all other etv-models she has no homepage.

take a look [hidden link - please register]. one homepage for every model. Tongue

11.09.2012, 17:29

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Slowfox wrote:
John3000 wrote:Hello people
I once got a question ... and although I'm new here and wanted to ask how to write Karry ... would be really nice if someone could help me

lg JohnSmile

Hi John, and welcome to the club

the only way to write to her is via an sms during her shows.


Hello you.
You forgot to say that all is monaille on etv!
You can pay a sms to say a banality (it is beautiful, even more beautiful, as you loved) but ........! Request for a show, Save your money, KARRY do nothing! ! micro ok for the rest nothing, nic, nichts, nada, ingenting, pa gen anyen, لا شئ .............

11.09.2012, 13:27

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

she has no homepage?
thanks for the info

lg John

10.09.2012, 19:50

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Hello Guys.
Im watching Karry on ETV and this what she is: roller-skate skinny.
I hope in the studio there is a doctor who take care of her in case
she collapsed.
John Guitar

10.09.2012, 12:06

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

John3000 wrote:Hello people
I once got a question ... and although I'm new here and wanted to ask how to write Karry ... would be really nice if someone could help me

lg JohnSmile

Hi John, and welcome to the club

the only way to write to her is via an sms during her shows.


10.09.2012, 11:29

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Hello people
I once got a question ... and although I'm new here and wanted to ask how to write Karry ... would be really nice if someone could help me

lg JohnSmile

09.09.2012, 15:32

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:hmmm ... believe there are too many quotes in this thread. Sad
guys, once again, please make a simple answer instead of quoting the complete forum history.

PS: fcn watches the other models in the night show and in the few scenes when Karry is visible on the screen (mostly for answering to VIPs) he must see her, too.
in total he likes the others probably more than he doesn't like Karry and so there is quite some logic in his post.


09.09.2012, 15:06

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

@slow, FCN is a well informed guy, like me, believe me.

09.09.2012, 14:59

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Slowfox wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:
Italian154 wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:
Italian154 wrote:
Johnnymo wrote:<snip>
<sowieso alles schnuppe>

hmmm ... believe there is a logical flaw in this argument. how do you know she talks too much or doesn't do her job, when you do not watch her, or even refuse to watch her ?


hmmm ... believe there are too many quotes in this thread. Sad
guys, once again, please make a simple answer instead of quoting the complete forum history.

PS: fcn watches the other models in the night show and in the few scenes when Karry is visible on the screen (mostly for answering to VIPs) he must see her, too.
in total he likes the others probably more than he doesn't like Karry and so there is quite some logic in his post.

09.09.2012, 14:39

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Italian154 wrote:
fcn2011 wrote:
Italian154 wrote:
Johnnymo wrote:Karry in the ELS on Sunday. She said that she wants to do a similar show like the 7 Veils-Show.

Let me clear something up. She did NOT say she wanted to do a similar show to the 7 veils. She said she will do a part of it as a request made by myself.

She talk really much when the day is long. She speaks, and talks and complain instead that she do her job....

I have a simple solution to your problem.. If you dont like it, dont watch her..

Have i said, that i watch her? No, i refuse her, only when there is a nightshow i can´t cut her out...

09.09.2012, 14:26

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

fcn2011 wrote:
Italian154 wrote:
Johnnymo wrote:Karry in the ELS on Sunday. She said that she wants to do a similar show like the 7 Veils-Show.

Let me clear something up. She did NOT say she wanted to do a similar show to the 7 veils. She said she will do a part of it as a request made by myself.

She talk really much when the day is long. She speaks, and talks and complain instead that she do her job....

I have a simple solution to your problem.. If you dont like it, dont watch her..

09.09.2012, 11:05

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Italian154 wrote:
Johnnymo wrote:Karry in the ELS on Sunday. She said that she wants to do a similar show like the 7 Veils-Show.

Let me clear something up. She did NOT say she wanted to do a similar show to the 7 veils. She said she will do a part of it as a request made by myself.

She talk really much when the day is long. She speaks, and talks and complain instead that she do her job....

09.09.2012, 10:51

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Johnnymo wrote:Karry in the ELS on Sunday. She said that she wants to do a similar show like the 7 Veils-Show.

Let me clear something up. She did NOT say she wanted to do a similar show to the 7 veils. She said she will do a part of it as a request made by myself.

09.09.2012, 10:35

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

i don´t believe that her fan just want to pick on her, i believe she is the problem herself, did you see her in last thursday show how she was just on and off during the show, she decide when to show up and in no time she went under. as she said that she is the director of every thursday nite show i believe she have to lead by example and at time i ask if she is not a model on the show cause now she is not in a scene when she answers request from her viewer on like the other model even that is not in their best interest to do it. she should learn from scarlet when she was presenting her show there was never a due moment all through the show. please tell to step up her show.

09.09.2012, 10:19

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

yes karry should stop evening show with etv cause there nothing eurotic , she has to talk only