Karry - Discussion & Chat

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(2.9 / 5, 30 ratings)

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02.07.2012, 11:57

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

karry made photos on photo exlusive show very good. karry is a wonderful and rather full of human belonging and appreciation, praisebecause she has a heart love. for me has become more than just on erotic karry specialmodell a girlfriend who has helped in difficult times mirauch

02.07.2012, 10:04

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

asoert wrote:hi guys i wonder when i can see karry in the night show this week?

not sure if you can see her when she'll be in her night show. Confused
but on friday she'll have less arguments to run away from the cam. Tongue

02.07.2012, 09:51

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

hi guys i wonder when i can see karry in the night show this week?

01.07.2012, 09:45

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

rimosale wrote:I think that kerry . . . the best ass of the show!

Couldn't agree more!! Tongue

01.07.2012, 09:31

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Hello everybody! I'm new in the forum.
I think that karry, together with mashiara and amy is one of the best ass of the show!

And she is also very cute!

27.06.2012, 21:38

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

I watch TV site but I can't see Karry completely naked, in which show???Tongue

22.06.2012, 16:02

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

sucker wrote:Gentlemen!
Director? Karry? Oooooh jesus - she should better do her web shows, there she knows what to do.
Gentlemen, plz have a nice day!

It's too much ... Did you see her face? No freshness, often a bit tired, sometimes disappointed ...

I miss the energy, the powerwoman Karry with a good mood.

22.06.2012, 15:21

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
zxcv wrote:In sum , Karry's new position as a director is highly questionable....

what director?

Here's the answer for your question

GenaroXP wrote:Tonight it will be Karry,like every thursday night in the last weeks Confused

22.06.2012, 15:17

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

zxcv wrote:In sum , Karry's new position as a director is highly questionable....

what director?

22.06.2012, 15:13

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

In sum , Karry's new position as a director is highly questionable....and her performance as a model is strongly controversial .

22.06.2012, 04:36

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

Yes , I saw that ! It was a request for a "lesbenshow" at 03.50 h Big Grin

Noone has the short shower show , also in the AH show of Roshana and Karry ???Smile

Greetings schu....

20.06.2012, 22:11

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

upstream wrote:
rialpka wrote:Are you her boss to say what Karry has to make?

No Mr. "big ego" Player.

Little Q and A session.

Who was the Fella who write the mail to rapidshare and delete the video from her ooops?
Who protect Karry in all thinkable way here in the so called public forum?
Who is resident against all posts who proof your one way thinking about Karry´s behavior enter the arena ETV is wrong?

What about old men beyond 50 who are fall in love with women who possible can be her own child?
What about people who spend on and on money for all the same messages?

No, Mr. upstream, it is always better to be silent when we do not know things, it is quite normal to protect Karry because she is nice, is that most of you are weird, especially stubborn and other members are also highly motivated to take succession. Karry's behavior is reasonable as opposed to your. There you go a little further by saying something like "old people ...." you do not know the kindness and affection and you can learn, people are free to do whatever they want with their money, how it looks?!?!

18.06.2012, 23:06

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

One thing is for sure ...Karry would be a fantastic host for giving speeches on the microphone , she could definitely present a show for a movie "oscar " award , or some music awards show ..or heck....every kind of show ,because Kary is definitely not shy for speaking on the microphone Smile Thumb up...and that's a good thing Thumb up ( well maybe she speaks a bit too much Confused Blush....but it's always beter than saying nothing at all Cool Thumb up ) She gets a compliment from me for giving comments on the photo session show ...no i don't see the exclusif shows but as Scarlet ( or W*M* ) says that Karry will be the mod for the "behind the .... " it can only be worth a " Thumb up " Cool

Kind Regards

18.06.2012, 16:17

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

your the best lady i have ever seen

18.06.2012, 16:08

Re: Karry - Discussion & Chat

fcn2011 wrote:are you a Fan of Navy CIS or do you like the actor?

Neither. I enjoy watching the series but I wouldn't call myself a "fan".

fcn2011 wrote:I hope Karry decides what she wanna be. A Director or a Actress.

She's a moody directress Big Grin. either Thumb up or Thumb down, nothing inbetween Envy