Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

3.81 (21 rating(s))

(3.81 / 5, 21 ratings)

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28.04.2011, 22:09

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

When does jenny come back? :o Heart

05.07.2010, 21:20

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

I just hope again the body of Jennifer on the screen, just a wishBlush

14.06.2010, 18:45

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

bulbul wrote:I still hope that one day we will see her again. I am perhaps the only one, but I hope

I still hope this day come not in my life Big Grin

14.06.2010, 17:39

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

you are not alone. since you are a fan of this may have some pictures or video when he shows his pussy

30.04.2010, 10:04

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

Jennifer is the best German moderator ETV ever had. Thumb up
Perhaps Gia told her that she would make some new actions, and Jennifer believed her. And we all know Gia: She promises much and never really fulfill the expectations!
That`s the reason for her success. Perhaps Gia lying on the sofa without bra but showing nothing was her promised hot show Smile

30.04.2010, 09:22

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

Markus76 in [hidden link - please register] wrote:...And the german mod Jenny was so weak. She fooled the viewers and wrote a lots of private messages to her "Fans". I donĀ“t understand why you can be a Fan of Jennifer.....

In my eyes was the bigger problems that she told obvious lies like "if Gia is in a good mood she will make a fullstrip". Something that never happened and probably will never happen but her moderation lets viewers assume that it happend already and with some support it will happen again. Some of her lies are even for Hans too bold.
She tells her own truth, she uses the vip overlay as her own chat room and we shouldn't talk about her music selection. Of course it is nice to have a german moderator with an own opinion and some ironie but often prevail the negative aspects of her moderation.

29.04.2010, 16:51


I hear a voice of Jennifer, I would like to see her on screen, can you let him know ? thx!

18.04.2010, 22:19

Re: jennifer

I thing not.She made her desicionSad

18.04.2010, 22:14


perhaps does not interest anyone, but anyone knows if Jennifer will return to the screens?

15.03.2010, 22:29

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

Hello everybody, anyone have a news of Jennifer???

01.01.2010, 15:46

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

there is just anothre thread about her.

btw she is now a mod behind the curtains.
you can hear her voice sometimes.

nothing can prevent a future return to strip on the studio.

we will see.Smile

26.12.2009, 19:43

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

probably you just noticed that but i must warn you about the fact that now all the voice's advertisements on eurotic tv are done by Jennifer herself in flesh and bones !!

07.12.2009, 15:49

Re: Jennifer - Discussion & Chat

For me jennifer is a very good girl but I'm happy that there is not more in etv because in five years she don't have never make a fullstrip and in the last year on five hours of transmission she make five minutes of show and in the others 4 hours and 55 minutes she stay sitting to look the other girl...

26.11.2009, 17:38

jenifer back someday

I just want to know if it will review jenifer screen thank you

20.11.2009, 22:34

Re: jenifer

I'm sorry to say, but to have her as a mod is much better than as a "model".

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