Girls' page

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Amateur models online
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10.03.2008, 16:40

Re: Girls' page

Unknown model n.2 is Krissy, who has just turned to blonde.

There is a Unknown n.3, neither her nor Eliza could make me understand her name.

EDIT: Viki repeated Unknown n.3's name, she's called Kathryn (I write in this way, maybe it's Cathryn, Catrin, Katherine o whatever else).

09.03.2008, 19:02

Re: Girls' page

Leslie & kate just listed as soft, so how do they have to be listed here?

09.03.2008, 18:58

Re: Girls' page


11 out of 10 for observation. I thought I was the only smart-arse around here ;-)

09.03.2008, 18:57

Re: Girls' page

Hera is listed as hot too.

And there are many bugs about languages spoken by models, for example Aliyah is listed only english speaking, while she's speak almost always german (almost the same as Alex), Gia is listed as english and german speaking when I've never heard her speaking german, and Carmen is listed only for english while she speaks french sure better than english and she speaks portuguese too.

09.03.2008, 18:57

Re: Girls' page

DB you are right,

but since the arriving of Hera and Caroline they are listed as Hot. I mean sometimes Caro is a little bit hot. But for Hera? She is one of the three Moddels who dídn´t has shown anything.

09.03.2008, 18:55

Re: Girls' page

Carolina, Naliny and Ultra-Violet are hot models too, so I guess we just don’t understand what this means in ETV-speak.

09.03.2008, 18:50

Re: Girls' page

Missed this first time round.

Carmen is listed as a 'Hot' model. Hope she understands what this means in ETV-speak

09.03.2008, 17:50

Re: Girls' page

Well, that multimedia section would be at least interesting, so I assume, they will avoid this ;-).

09.03.2008, 17:46

Re: Girls' page

And what constitutes 'New' as we see girls who have been there many months with that description but not so later arrivals.

Next week, the revamped multimedia section where you can download all those vids of the girls who had left BEFORE the website was even born.

09.03.2008, 17:20

Re: Girls' page

Some ex-Models have been removed (even if they still(?) do some mobile phone service), but some others stay there even if the information that the have a new job should have reached etv by now. Maybe etv hopes that this new job will be a success and lots of people are going to download the pics and videos ;-).

09.03.2008, 17:11

Re: Girls' page

Girls' page updated on ETV site, added Alora (wasn't she going to leave?), Carmen, Fiana, Hera, Venera & Violet pictures, changed Alex, Aliyah, Malena, Venera & Zia ones, added Donna & some other profiles, anyway some girls still without picture (Joanna is still Ju on the models page) and Sabrina & Merry are still with their old hair colors.

06.03.2008, 17:10

Re: Girls' page


how about "ice cold" rating for ultra barbies?


05.03.2008, 00:30

Re: Girls' page

after browsing a bit through the new classification, I agree that it is better than before. But I also think that 'passive' should be changed to a temperature-related expression. Candidates would be (thanks, chilly, dry, algid, offish, frigid (!)

04.03.2008, 17:17

Re: Girls' page

The categories are designed to reflect the model's willingness (or otherwise) to undress (even if only down to bra and slip)

We have tried to bring in these intermediate categories - a topless girl is not really 'soft' and not really 'hot'

Equally, some of the Barbies are more teasing in performance amd should not be categorised with the ones who just talk.

Some girls will always be tricky to categorise so there must always be comprimises.

We also talked of a 5th category. Suitable for one 'reptilic' model. -)))

04.03.2008, 16:21

Re: Girls' page

Old or new classes, it's the same for me, I just would change "passive" (because it's not so kind) to some other term (I suggested "ice", just to refer to temperature, we just could use "ultra" too, just to remind us to "old" barbies:)))).