Gia - Discussion & Chat

3.93 (178 rating(s))

(3.93 / 5, 178 ratings)

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05.03.2010, 09:07

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

My comment will follow in the very late evening of this show because i have to go to work very fast or i'm late Confused but i can tell you one thing allready ... Gia made me damme horny Thumb up Tongue Tongue Tongue Blush In love Heart Big Grin

Kind Regards

05.03.2010, 08:58

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Very good show for Gia yesterday night.
She showed many times her nipples and almost all the breast naked at 00.00 cet.
In rather case she is exciting, she is able to excite the viewers like only Scarlet is able to do.

See you next sunday, wonderful Gia.

05.03.2010, 00:44

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Another small step in Gia's progress in this pace it will be 2014 before we will see the whole lot - I like this girl unfortunately she is too ....

Evening update the day after - I went to bed after the shower scene with Angelina after watching the end of the show today I must say time has advanced rapidly and we are now in the beginning of 2014

04.03.2010, 22:48

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Yasmine1 wrote:I remember there was someone in the forum that said that based on what Gia is wearing he can predict her performance, well can someone guess ???

If i remember it was said by me. Watching Gia tonight, it is not necessary to make some predictions, i am afraid everybody knows the answer... Thumb down

Okey, i was quite wrong with the prediction.
Tonight, she is not bad so far.

04.03.2010, 22:17

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Yasmine1 wrote:I remember there was someone in the forum that said that based on what Gia is wearing he can predict her performance, well can someone guess ???
Very interesting Big Grin

04.03.2010, 22:14

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

For a minute...I say for a minute...I thought that she was not going to be at the show.
But now... Yes Gia,yes party!!!!Thumb up

04.03.2010, 22:12

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

I remember there was someone in the forum that said that based on what Gia is wearing he can predict her performance, well can someone guess ???

04.03.2010, 20:04

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

I suppose that beautiful models like Gia, Clio, Candy, ... bring ETV more money if they do NOT show all. Because they wake up the hunter`s instict in many men - will "I" succeed in "shooting" her, will "I" be the first man with my wishes and compliments that she will take off her clothes? That would make me very proud!
"Hot" models are not so attractive for many viewers: "Why should I send a message or call the model if enough other viewers do that and have success?"

04.03.2010, 18:53

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Think you?
Positive or negativ??Big Grin

04.03.2010, 17:33

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

gia will do suprise today night

04.03.2010, 11:07

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

sorry "the feeling".. i dont think so.. our approach to the show is very different.. you talk about innovation concept and entertainement... these are techinical words and perhaps they are correct.. i dont know... i talk about "good sensations" that gia with her fantastic body and her sweet smile give me watching the show during the night.. the presence of my love gia it's enoughf to relax myself... so... i think that with seven models there is space for both our point of wiew... bye

03.03.2010, 13:26

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

Gia has been removed from tonight show schedule. She stays confirmed for tomorrow night at the moment.

03.03.2010, 11:42

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

i'm worry... in the last time gia disappear frequently... too much for me... why? she is the best... she has a lot of fans... someone has the answer? if you look at schedule models she is present a lot of days in the week but then she disappear... i don't understand but without her the show is down... please gia come back. bye;CrySadCry

26.02.2010, 09:49

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

what do you mean? unfortunately is not my girlfriend... i'd buy a gift for her every day..

26.02.2010, 09:15

Re: Gia - Discussion & Chat

alex wrote:
fman1 wrote:A gift from a prince ?

Shaky-Schumi???Big GrinBig Grin

impossible...Shaky is a man...Big GrinBig Grin