Eurotic birthday

3.5 (12 rating(s))

(3.5 / 5, 12 ratings)

Amateur models online
Author Posts

20.10.2009, 13:57

Re: Eurotic birthday

Birthday Party announced for friday night.

15.10.2009, 01:17

Re: Eurotic birthday

Sorry for you ALL but last year it WAS a fashion channel :-((((((

Let' s hope it is changed at the 24th !!

15.10.2009, 00:48

Re: Eurotic birthday


U have right. It is (or it must be) an erotic channel. Yes ! I agree "why not all the nights" but the surprise is a good idea.

I'm afraid no one hears us, no one reads our post.

14.10.2009, 20:31


we talk about a surprise only in birthday night, full nudity for example

why only one night?

why not all the nights?

we talk here about an eurotic channel anot a fashion channel

14.10.2009, 19:36

Re: Eurotic birthday

@Italian154: no joke. They really paid for it.

14.10.2009, 19:23

Re: Eurotic birthday

And what are they gonna celebrate---another year of what ??

14.10.2009, 19:18

Re: Eurotic birthday

your having a giggle, the models paid for the party on year 2... what a joke...

I just hope this year is better..

14.10.2009, 07:09

Re: Eurotic birthday

HvB , indeeed !! Last year Eliza and Aria was there ,and some girls . Only balloons and champagne.

You saw all girls come along , saw them kiss each other , toasting to "us" , then they dissapeared in another part of the building .That was all !!! So , nothing special !!!!

13.10.2009, 19:37

Re: Eurotic birthday

Last year was no big party. Just a small comming together behind the scenes. Only very few models participated. Remember that the models paid the big party for the second birthday, not the owners ...

13.10.2009, 19:07

Re: Eurotic birthday

Did they even celebrate the Birthday last year??.. im sure they didnt.. and if they did it obviously was rubbish..

Hope this year will be better..

Fingers crossed..

13.10.2009, 17:52

Re: Eurotic birthday

Do not forget Nicole.She performed very good last night.