Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

3.92 (12 rating(s))

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18.05.2016, 10:10

Re: Dacota's LAST Show

I also hope, bellissima Dacota, possible soon at Etv to seeing.

18.05.2016, 01:03

Re: Dacota's LAST Show

beautiful Dacota has beautiful smile
her beauty with her will never sleep
beautiful Dacota has has wonderful eyes
beautiful is their ( eyes ) gloss and charm

17.05.2016, 23:16

Re: Dacota's LAST Show

Bellissima Dacota HeartHeartHeart the most beautiful girl of the world is one of the very few remaining pearls of ETV.

Bellissima Dacota, comes to us loyal viewers!

Comes back in the media!

17.05.2016, 23:10

Re: Dacota's LAST Show

The most beautiful girl from ETv, Dacota missing and missing,

also missing their different always beautiful Lach species,

missing their intelligence , charm,

missing their sympathetic art to behave,

and very pleasant voice,

and its beautiful silhouette.

Are missing their movable appearances with Kelly.

Set at etv seven days there is nothing to admire , nothing for eye

Bellissima Dacota comes back! Make the media world beautiful and interesting.

09.05.2016, 17:11

Re: Dacota's LAST Show

TazDevil wrote:It will be Dacota's LAST Show on Tuesday from 17:00 CET:

[hidden link - please register]

Goodbye and Good luck

Once this is for real it is bad news. She is one of the very few remaining pearls of ETV.

09.05.2016, 16:37

Dacota's LAST Show

It will be Dacota's LAST Show on Tuesday from 17:00 CET:

[hidden link - please register]

Goodbye and Good luck

10.03.2016, 22:37

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

woody253 wrote:Could it be, that this is Dacota?
[hidden link - please register]

I think somebody needs to see an eye doctor

10.03.2016, 12:06

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

woody253 wrote:Could it be, that this is Dacota?

No, if you scroll to bottom of page, you'll see this
[hidden link - please register]

10.03.2016, 11:14

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

Could it be, that this is Dacota?
[hidden link - please register]

10.02.2016, 22:04

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

Pirncemami wrote:...Yesterday I saw her tears and it was something bad.
Not necessarily bad. Every time I changed the company for a better job I felt sad leaving the colleagues I worked with the past years.
Anyway, she wasn't really one of my favorites, but I wish her all the Best for her future life!


10.02.2016, 08:20

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

I do not why that day I recorded the shows from tv !!! Yesterday I saw her tears and it was something bad. I did not like her as model becausr I like different type but I hope from bottom of my heart better job and great life to her.

08.02.2016, 17:36

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

Its very sad I won't be getting any more muschi shows from you Its just announced that she is leaving I used to like her last March Bye bye Kelly

06.01.2016, 10:51

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

Dakota has somehow bigger breasts?

18.08.2015, 23:01

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

jonas wrote:...
Yes, it was a twin&effy-show. But beauty alone is not enough.
Why the star models (Lauren, Kristina, Tia) had to loose their time in vain in this boring show? Sad
Well, I haven't seen any part of the show, but no matter who else was in that show, it had been up to Lauren, Kristina and Tia to make a good show.
But possibly it was their intention to prove what a show looks like if they don't save it ;)


18.08.2015, 15:36

Re: Dacota & Kelly - Discussion & Chat

Jonas, the explanation may be simpler than you think, maybe you mentioned models are really fed up !!
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