Carmen - Discussion & Chat

3.44 (9 rating(s))

(3.44 / 5, 9 ratings)

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28.10.2009, 14:36

Carmen - Discussion & chat

Hello ALL,

What is going on with Carmen ?

She is so shy and always on the background !

Sorry jonas ,i have to mention you . You know more of her ?? Greetings

12.10.2008, 20:00

Re: Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

Welcome Back Carmen.

The Flower returns to ETV

12.10.2008, 11:04

Re: Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

Nice to see Carmen back along with Viviana and the promised return of Nikita, only problem is that all returns seem to be coming true so that means unfortunately Kalaya is probably coming back too.

11.10.2008, 21:59

Re: Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

Sorry for shaky, but italian voice he heard is from Margo.

11.10.2008, 21:51

Re: Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

I've seen the entry of Carmen also ,she did a strip from the very first minute and i thought on the background i hear the italian moderator (it' was a female ?) and her voice sounded like or was it ................... Kaleya ???????????? . (i think ghostwriter2008 was right this week with the song of "shaky" that he said to me , :)))))) thanks : )))) ) but i'm getting out of topic what i wanted to say ,i'ts great to see Carmen back ,this will do Etv good because Carmen had many viewers/callers before she went away so i guess it wil all come back and why not ? Carmen is a great looking girl also a friendley one and nice ,so i say welcome back Carmen !!!!!! So this was the first surprice, now Monday will be the next one( specialy for jonas and that is the return of Nikita !! So for me it's still waiting for the return of .. Kaleya !!!! )But for now with the return of Carmen i think the shows will be better again ! And for Elmo i wish you a great time when Carmen is at the show (s) ,just enjoy ! ( i hope i can do it too as soon that Kaleya is back ....hopefully)

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

11.10.2008, 20:32

Re: Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

Indeed a nice surprise! Should make many folks happy to see her again.

11.10.2008, 19:50

Re: Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

She is not cold . Already on top less.

Good beginning

11.10.2008, 18:40

Elmo's Favorite-Carmen Returns

I just switched on ETV1.

What a surprise

She is really sexy and Hot and I do not know whether she made hot show up and until now.

She is one of my favorite and Elmo.

Hope she would not become Cold model.

29.05.2008, 20:13

Re: Carmen - no more red tape

The only star in ETV-land does not shine any longer. What a sad day. Carmen, thanks a lot for the hot shows and all the pleasure you provided during your short time on ETV. All the best for your future and a lot of kisses.

29.05.2008, 17:06

Re: Carmen - no more red tape

Carmen, the last few seconds
[hidden link - please register]
22 secs 768*576 H.264 mp4 5 MB

bye Carmen have fun and thank you for being there. Merci

29.05.2008, 11:06

Re: Carmen - no more red tape

And no more Carmen either -(

Thank you for your time at the tv. It was a shame that you chose a real lame show (I can only blame two people for that) to announce your immediate departure.

Best wishes for the future.

16.04.2008, 10:54

Re: Carmen from Dusk till Dawn or longer

I have tidied this topic up.

Topic hijacking will NOT be tolerated.

Thank you !

16.04.2008, 09:38

Re: Carmen from Dusk till Dawn or longer

obviously one hot air thread is not enough !!!!!!

16.04.2008, 00:24

Re: Carmen from Dusk till Dawn or longer (and Tia and Nikita any

ghostwriter2008 wrote about Carmen:
>she is not the best of the new ones<

Which one would you consider the best of the new girls then?

15.04.2008, 18:10

Re: Carmen from Dusk till Dawn or longer (and Tia and Nikita any

Her only break was obviously the few hours during the morning show as she was again in the afternoon show today. That alone is an incredible job. And even more astonishing, she appears to be always in a good mood. I fully agree with elmo that she is the best new model for quite some time. However, she really should take care to get sufficient rest and not to work around the clock. Her fans also need some time off and it would be a pity to miss her performance on ETV.