Aria - Discussion & Chat

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02.05.2010, 00:13

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

It has been days now that Aria seems to me "kind of old"; not as confident as she used to be. What's wrong?

06.03.2010, 01:04

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

And Happy Birthday to Aria, first only a model, now italian moderator too.
A big kiss and a flower.

13.08.2009, 00:22

Re: Somthing Wrong

To me Aria never looked sexy as a model, lately ofcorse it is impossible because it does not help even if kaleya comes in studio. She looks stupid as others also. For me with Elza gone there was the last really nice show over.

12.08.2009, 16:45

Re: Somthing Wrong

Yes its true that Aria has not been the same since her return. Up until she left to have her baby she was more than happy to show off her rapidly expanding breasts (god they were huge ha ha ) . But as usual after giving birth they seem to have shrunk more than normal. She may be a little consciencius about this as she tends to hold them and poses from the side rather than full on front. She still has that crazy element which she will always have and maybe after being back for a while she will get back to "normal" By the way --this is not a complaint about Aria or her figure. I have always liked Aria--at least she gets them off ha ha

12.08.2009, 10:44

Re: Somthing Wrong

<<<<last few weeks no erotic shows ? sry but are you blind ?>>>>

sorry dude, you got me wrong, I meant only for Aria

<<<<full dressed arab gays with their camels>>>>

somehow you're right, but you should have writte "some gulf arab gays", I'm an arab, syrian ;)

12.08.2009, 06:31

Re: Somthing Wrong

last few weeks no erotic shows ? sry but are you blind ?

nearly half year ago we had the last real erotic show !!!!

not 1 models is doing a hot show like in the years 06 / 07 , not Sabrina , Aria etc.

only kaleya made a hot erotic show with randa but that was it !!!!

so you can only hope for better times , or ETV will die !!!!!!!

12.08.2009, 05:21

Somthing Wrong

Hello everyone

in the last few weeks, I could notice something with Aria, no idea if I'm the only one who has this point or there might be somebody else

since she's come back to the channel after giving birth, Aria is no more as sexy as she used to be, or by other word, as sexy as we used to see her

I don't know why, no erotic actions, no strip, even no topless shows. maybe a little but it's not what we used to see from her

is it because of her condition of birth? or because of cencorship? or something else?

I wish Aria, whom I've always considared her as the 2nd best model After Angie, I wish we see her as (old) Aria, the Aria we always loved and enjoyed to watch

01.07.2009, 22:39

Aria, is she back?!!!

Hello for everyone

I noticed while viewing the models the photo of Aria

has she come back after giving birth or it was just a data base error?

I hope she's back

plus, the words: hor, sofe, cold.... etc have disappeared, why? if anybody can tell me

thank you

16.06.2008, 09:34

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Flowers and good luck to all those amateur gynecologists who can't stop watching and checking the models' health and the changing of their bodies...

16.06.2008, 02:21

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Her belly is increasing a lot, baby inside, I think it's confirmed.

A baby metalkid.

06.03.2008, 21:36

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

It seems it' her birthday, so "tanti auguri". (I write in italian this time, maybe she could read this)

Of course, a big kiss and a flower.


28.01.2008, 21:48

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

She likes good old Sepultura, it seems.

21.01.2008, 21:48

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Metal party tonight at ETV2: Aria, Angie, Aliyah.

16.01.2008, 18:41

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

i agree with you Yasmine1 , aria has a very sexy voice...

16.01.2008, 00:04

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

I must admit that I dont see her as a sexy model. And also in her disadvantage is that she often appears in etv2 where cameras are often too far away. But anyway I wouldnt mind if some other girls would come and that she would leave, because I dont see her perform on a high level in etv1. But that is only my taste for women, bigger question is if these girls are interesting for bigger number of viewers while they are there for such a long time. They need new faces. And really better evening shows. Like today  is another example...During the day I think show was very very nice, like sapfo, tia, jessy, metal woman hehe, nalini also okey, gia sexy also...I saw better energy put in those shows...Evening show sucks again. But I enjoyed first two shows. Somehow Aria would not fit in there.

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