Aria - Discussion & Chat

2.69 (13 rating(s))

(2.69 / 5, 13 ratings)

Author Posts

05.05.2012, 00:28

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Just a few words to say Happy birthday to Aria
wonderful girl always with a smile.
keep fun and enjoy

19.04.2012, 09:06

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Have I missed there what? To Randa and many other hot models now also Aria away?
It was one of the best Italian-Mods. Thumb up
But also as a model always hotly!

17.04.2012, 20:10

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

GenaroXP wrote:
Joker1305 wrote:Any information on Aria?
She has been removed from the girl's page, so she's also not scheduled for this week.
I miss her bright eyes and her hot ass and legs Heart


Aria has two weeks ago said on the mic. as she was mod. (Hotbird) that she'll stop her work as model and that she'll only continue her work there as Moderator (and maybe sometimes as director) and in her last show at saturday it was the same said by Hans on the mic. (Astra) that this is her last time as model.
Oh, sorry to hear Cry , it seems I missed that Confused
So there's nothing left than wishing her (and us Big Grin) all the best with her job as moderator.
And Thank You Aria for a lot of hot performances In love


17.04.2012, 19:31

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

The real hot models are allways less. I`ll miss this crazy little chicken. Thanks Aria for some remarkable performances.Thumb up

17.04.2012, 19:08

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Joker1305 wrote:Any information on Aria?
She has been removed from the girl's page, so she's also not scheduled for this week.
I miss her bright eyes and her hot ass and legs Heart


Aria has two weeks ago said on the mic. as she was mod. (Hotbird) that she'll stop her work as model and that she'll only continue her work there as Moderator (and maybe sometimes as director) and in her last show at saturday it was the same said by Hans on the mic. (Astra) that this is her last time as model.

17.04.2012, 18:26

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Any information on Aria?
She has been removed from the girl's page, so she's also not scheduled for this week.
I miss her bright eyes and her hot ass and legs Heart


14.02.2012, 20:31

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Yes Aria was a hot model, as she had more kilos, but I think about her health. ARIA is still beautyful.

09.02.2012, 15:30

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

JuFan wrote:Aria will be director tonight.
....and for me aria will be a great directorThumb up

09.02.2012, 10:50

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Thank you Aria, keep it up!Thumb up

12.11.2011, 11:05

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

She has become so skiny that she has lost all her curves.
I dont want, even to think , about her breasts !!Cry
Please girl.Get some extra kilos!Believe me. It 'll do you good.

04.11.2011, 14:14

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Yest yesterday aria's show was amazing Tongue

04.11.2011, 12:20

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Aria in the footsteps of Janine!

29.10.2011, 22:35

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Aria is a true workaholic.
12.00-16.00 is a model (4h)
16.00-22.00 is a moderator (6h)
22.00-03.00 or 04.00 again as modeartor (5h or 6h)

02.09.2011, 16:13

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

She lost her voice, it seems. No alora, alora. Big Grin

02.09.2011, 16:12

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

GenaroXP wrote:
docock wrote:Aria is out Envy

It seems that she has really left the channel Smile......but I have my doubts about this I think that we will see/or hear her again as model/or only as Italian Mod. Smile

she was yesterday already for some mins on the screen (so I assume that she was the italian mod yesterday)
and now she's back on the screen as a model.

I hope you enjoyed your holidays and welcome back. Smile

PS: after some mins of the show she was quiet so far.
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