Aria - Discussion & Chat

2.69 (13 rating(s))

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04.05.2011, 23:15

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

04.05.2011, 23:13

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Aria`s birthday! Let`s have a party.Blush Congratulation to the big blabbermouth.Big Grin

04.05.2011, 23:07

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Aria many health,money and many love I hope also that all your wishes come true.

04.05.2011, 23:04

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday to Aria (according to molvanian midnight is 5th may).
A big kiss and a flower.

18.04.2011, 23:48

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

it seems they want to thanks for all the nice comments on her Cool

18.04.2011, 23:32

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

enough air five nights in a row I can not see itThumb downAngryThumb down

18.04.2011, 22:20

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

God blesses the "sound off"- button on my remote control when Aria speaks.

18.04.2011, 22:19

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

for once the mic is down at the right time is talking Aria. Ouf!!!!

18.04.2011, 19:40

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

...Aria has a lot of talent...

you're very kind but I cannot find even a bit of it!

in my eyes she ( or better her breast) is only the right image of ETV: falling!

18.04.2011, 18:34

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

When I called Karry I found Aria and his pathetic antics, I was polite but she did nothing to give me Karry instead she kept the call by not saying stupid things and I 'I had to tell her to go to her monkey tricks a casa sua Aria Go home, go home for not helping once a beginner.

18.04.2011, 17:35

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

jost54 wrote:Aria is undoubtedly the worst nagger of ETV.Angry She believes, every show she is in is her show.Envy I suppose she needs a tranquilliser.Confused

Oh boy. That reminded me of one show when Penelope was still in the etv roster. I'm not kidding, maybe some of you still know this show: Aria and another one, but mostly Aria, talked from 10pm to 11pm NON F'IN STOP! And i remember that there were 2 vip(!) messages who said something like this: "Sorry, but with this non-stop babbling you lost a loyal fan." And i have to be honest: After 5 minutes or so i really just thought: "Put a sock in it." It was as entertaining as watching sex and the city.
I also noticed, that she really seems to think that every show is her show... ah! screw it! Let's just hope she's going to leave etv soon, nagging won't solve any problems (if it would, Aria would already be out of the etv roster, right? =))
But let's hope she leaves, and leaves some space for good, decent models such as lin, for instance Smile

18.04.2011, 17:08

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

jost54 wrote:... She believes, every show she is in is her show...

...she's often with Lace in the night show
...and Lace gets often request to tie or gag someone
why is it soooo difficult to make many people happy? Cool

18.04.2011, 16:59

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

For Aria it's time to take some weeks of holidays

18.04.2011, 11:04

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Aria is undoubtedly the worst nagger of ETV.Angry She believes, every show she is in is her show.Envy I suppose she needs a tranquilliser.Confused

09.04.2011, 22:10

Re: Aria - Discussion & Chat

Aria take the microphone. Please!. Do not say nothing more. Sit on the couch and not move.