Amy - Discussion & Chat

4.16 (25 rating(s))

(4.16 / 5, 25 ratings)

Author Posts

13.12.2009, 23:10

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

She went briefly toplessBig Grin

13.12.2009, 22:08

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Good news! Amy doing her first nighshift. I keep my fingers crossed.

11.12.2009, 11:12

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

alex wrote:Good news, she was in the morning show!

or bad news Confused

11.12.2009, 11:05

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Good news, she was in the morning show!

10.12.2009, 22:50

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Amy's last appearance was last friday (4th december) in the morning shift. So tomorrow will be just a week missing.

10.12.2009, 22:48

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Mauro wrote:Has Amy done any show this week?

to 90% guarantee: noCry

10.12.2009, 22:44

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Has Amy done any show this week?

03.12.2009, 23:47

Amy Show!!!

But the wonderful Amy'll ever see in the evening show? Why can I only see it in the morning or afternoon? I want Amy to the evening show!!!

20.11.2009, 22:29

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat


[hidden link - please register]


[hidden link - please register]

I guess elmo would be a better choice. But btw after a look at the pictures: similar but for sure not the same.

Amy looks much younger.

20.11.2009, 22:25

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

@ ghostwriter

my feeling says no (but you know my feeling is often wrong.... :-) )

But perhaps a videomaker, especially der_Boy, can help us...

20.11.2009, 00:02

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

anyone know when we review the wonderful Amy? I think it's the most beautiful girl in the program.

06.11.2009, 13:06

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

the next hanbra from Amy during the day at 13:02 cet :)

06.11.2009, 12:52

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

@ outside
the shoes that Amy is wearing today has nothing to do with being friends ,
like you write >> Sure they are friends<< ;)
many other models also wear that shoes , also Eliza :(
models also change their clouthes between themselves if needed

btw : Amy is wearing more revealing lingerie today :)

06.11.2009, 12:32

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

She is wearing the grey shoes, the same ones as Mashiara & Scarlet. Sure they are friends.

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