Amy - Discussion & Chat

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16.04.2011, 01:10

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:I haven't checked all shifts but a few of the "5 shifts a week"-models as Amy or Lilian

Putting Amy along side Lilian in the same sentence, wrong.

Complaining about Amy doing 5 shifts a week ( I wish) wrong.

Looks like Amy is not the flavour of the month on here.

Pity, she always gives her all, and has always been generous.

13.04.2011, 00:25

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Yo man...can't believe what I'm seeing here, Amy's Thread on page 3?? (Not after this post but before...)

I could spend days just writing symphonies about her smile...though I'm not cause that would suppress all the other positive things about her but still...

Unfortunately I didn't watch her show monday night (but just saw her beginning moderation from that night - amen) but how about some attention for crazy little Amy once in a while Blush

just sayin...broo (cool hip-hop gesture)

08.04.2011, 14:09

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

What a difference a day makes, Amy was in stunning form in last night's
After Hours show Thumb up
One hour of pure hot erotic as only Amy can In love

p.s. Maybe she read my last post and decided to teach me a lesson.
For Amy, I will always be a willing pupil Cool

05.04.2011, 17:05

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

The only slight disappointment in last nights show was Amy's After hours show.
Amy has set such a high standard in these shows that it is hard to maintain that
standard every time.
Maybe she was tired from all the sand dancing Cool

03.04.2011, 20:14

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Tifosi wrote:[...] People ignore you, Why? [...]

It's the other way around...

03.04.2011, 03:08

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Amy, my Queen of the night In love

People ignore you, Why?

People want more, I understand.

Yet Amy, you give what you want to,

We enjoy every moment.

Just keep on being yourself.

26.03.2011, 09:14

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

chrispocz wrote:I would not be at all surprised if they soon revealed to us a new tattoo (as in the case of Natasha) I hope not Smile

maybe not only a tattoo Confused ( ...and she will not be the only girl/modelwith having a new tattoo Sad ) ..but maybe also another piercing ? ( tong ? ) Confused

Kind Regards

26.03.2011, 07:48

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

logic wrote:...And I don't mean only that she don't get naked...

I would not be at all surprised if they soon revealed to us a new tattoo (as in the case of Natasha) I hope not Smile

26.03.2011, 07:03

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

logic wrote:Call me a pessimist, but something is happen with our always funny little girl in the last time. And I don't mean only that she don't get naked, also her always funny mood seems to gone away most of the time.
I'm really sad to see her so. Cry

Maybe at the moment she don´t have so much luck in her personal or love life,who knows!! The hope remains it would be better soon!!

25.03.2011, 23:55

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Call me a pessimist, but something is happen with our always funny little girl in the last time. And I don't mean only that she don't get naked, also her always funny mood seems to gone away most of the time.
I'm really sad to see her so. Cry

24.03.2011, 23:46

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Great to see her smiling face again In love

Just wished she had not worn those stockings, I just love her
bare legs, oh yeah Tongue

22.03.2011, 19:52

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Hi Crash90,

hope very much you could watch your first half an hour.
Half an hour is better then nothing. The next show will come.


21.03.2011, 22:42

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

nighthawk wrote:[...]
My friend Crash90, stay strong till there.

Thanks very much for your encouragment, nighthawk, consider yourself appreciated Smile

I will hold out until tomorrow morning and believe me, I'm looking forward (and further Smile ) to the first half an hour of her show before I have to leave for work and after that I will mentally serve some red bull for her so she stays awake Tongue

Hey, where's the "sending-happy-and-sunny-thoughts-to-Amy"-Smiley...??

20.03.2011, 03:17

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Hi Tifosi,

look at the shedule. Next Wednesday they will be back.Confused
It's only the false time 11:00 to 16:00 o'clock for me.

So I must wait till Friday but less than one week. Big Grin
Than it will be Mashi/Amy-Mania again.

My friend Crash90, stay strong till there.

19.03.2011, 00:21

Re: Amy - Discussion & Chat

Amy, been missing you darling, the station is not the same without you.

You and Mashi rock this site, time for the return of the Babes.

Hope you are allowed/want to give us your best.

Rock 'n Roll us.
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