A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

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27.05.2010, 11:03

A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

Here beginneth the lesson

For those who have PMd to ask and for others who might wonder why our spelling of some of the models' names differs from ETV's, it is based on the following principles:

1. ETV can't spell. You can see this from the English, Italian and German banners which appear on the screen all the time

2. If the name does not exist and has been invented, we go along with the phonetic pronunciation in the studio - Brizeida, Mashiara, Kaleya

3. For names that do exist, we correct them if necessary to an accepted version of that name which corresponds to the pronunciation in the studio, so:

"Loreta" would have a long "e" in German (and Italian). They pronounce it short, so we correct to "Loretta"

"Mimozza" would have a "ts" sound in German and Italian, so we change to "Mimosa", as they pronounce it

"Janeen" is just a phonetic representation, so we changed to "Janine", which is an accepted spelling which corresponds exactly to the sound

"Jaklin" would have the accent on the "a" as in the accepted American version "Jaclyn". The pronunciation in the studio gives it a long final syllable exactly as in the name "Jacqueline", hence the change

"Ammy" in any European language or US would be pronounced with a short "a" (caused by the double consonant) to rhyme with "Mammy" or "Sammy". In fact it is pronounced with a long "a" which corresponds exactly to the English name "Amy". Even with the broadest Texan accent it would be impossible to arrive at their prounciation using their spelling. The same would be true if it were "Emmy", again the double consonant requiring a short first vowel.

"Nicoll" is simply wrong. The name is "Nicole"

"Madlen" is one that slipped through the net. Of course it is a non-existent phonetic transcription of the originally French name "Madeleine". It had been in the system too long to change it.

Interestingly, Scarlet who named herself after the actress Scarlett Johansson, always spelt it with one "t". We left this because Scarlet's English was so spectacularly good that she knew what she was doing.

And finally, there is hope. Everyone at ETV except one pronounces Penelope's name wrongly - with the accent on the "o". Only Lace manages to do it correctly with the accent on the second "e". Let's hope she can spread her obvious knowledge around a bit.

Hope this helps.

Here endeth the lesson

24.06.2012, 15:32

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

'molvanian illiterates wrote:Wednesday 27th June, 20:00 CET

Ameli, Andjelina, Kary

and Aria

of course not the same writing as used on their schedule. Thumb up
no idea why we try to find existings names for the models instead of calling all models WTF 1-47. Angry

12.03.2012, 18:50

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

HvB wrote:Has anybody ever thought that it may be Mayahs decission to change the name away from the old one for some reasons?
Yes, I did, and I think there's nothing wrong with changing the alias (Prince did it several times Big Grin)
But the way ETV handled it was stupid.
They can't seriously believe nobody would recognize her, even with that hairdess /wig.
So presenting her as totally new model was a wrong decision.


11.03.2012, 21:22

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

Has anybody ever thought that it may be Mayahs decission to change the name away from the old one for some reasons?

10.03.2012, 14:22

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

yesterday evening by PM but I cannot describe / explain it in a better way Smile

bellerophon wrote:...

I hope that, if it really is Priscilla back again, we can give her the name "Priscilla" on the girls page. otherwise it makes the archiving of the former models page difficult. Or even Priscilla/Maya.

We haven't changed Joanna to Ju, nor did we change Jasmine when she came back under some other silly name. That way it's the same person in the "former models" page.

and yes, we accept names chosen by etv. we accept the writing of names like Tiffani or Suzy although it's not the most often used writing of a name. just the writing of Bela or Suny was edited.

10.03.2012, 13:38

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

Time to resurrect this thread again ...

The arrival of a new model (Maya,Molly?) has given rise to a slightly different naming dispute but many of the arguments here still hold true.
I feel it is arrogant and even disrespectful to not use the chosen name of a model, even if she has appeared under a different name in the past.
The models here are playing a part, though some fail to understand this.

When you see an actress do you insist on referring to her by the name of a previous character she played?
Most people are happy to suspend disbelief and accept the current situation.

Perhaps, to make life simpler to those of limited imagination, we should use the models real names, as we do for other actresses ...
but, then, the rules do not allow ...

24.07.2011, 19:05

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

That's why I used an anglicization.

24.07.2011, 19:02

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

outside wrote:OT, it's just an anglicization of italian word [hidden link - please register].

Which is not English so should not be on here Smile

24.07.2011, 18:53

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

OT, it's just an anglicization of italian word [hidden link - please register].

24.07.2011, 18:51

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

outside wrote:Amartìa, in Greek means also "sin", but in medical language it's referred to organs malformations.
Nice name for a girl.

Sorry but is Cialtrons an english word?
[hidden link - please register]
Maybe I lost something?

edit: for not italians the word Cialtrone means desperado in english

24.07.2011, 18:35

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

Amartìa, in Greek means also "sin", but in medical language it's referred to organs malformations.
Nice name for a girl.

10.07.2011, 11:02

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

HvB wrote:
nirvana wrote:At the end someone has earned her right name, with only one M.
[hidden link - please register]

1) count the characters ...
also had to sacrifice the 'an' for an 'a' to get it down to 160
the 'then' instead of 'than' is really a mistake Blush

if you would have used "sth" instead of something you would also not had to sacrifice the "e" in imagine.

10.07.2011, 10:53

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

HvB wrote:2) There is a reason why I prefer to stick to the 'official' model name(s) ...
It's strange. After this your sentence I heard a noise like someone whom tried to climb mirrors. It's very very strange.

10.07.2011, 10:30

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

nirvana wrote:At the end someone has earned her right name, with only one M.
[hidden link - please register]

1) count the characters ...
also had to sacrifice the 'an' for an 'a' to get it down to 160
the 'then' instead of 'than' is really a mistake Blush

2) There is a reason why I prefer to stick to the 'official' model name(s) ...

10.07.2011, 10:23

Re: A rose by any other name - models and their spelling

At the end someone has learned her right name, with only one M.
[hidden link - please register]
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