from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

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23.04.2009, 10:51

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Dream on all you ETV viewers. ETV will disappear from TV within the next days. Wanna bet?

22.04.2009, 20:18

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

First let me say to all of you i don't like it also what they sometimes show us or show not to us but i think we should stay a bit possitif and maybe after some time ( if there is stil some time ) it wil get a bit better as before ,so let us please stay a bit possitif and not always break them down ,if the law ( of Etv )says they can't show some nudity in the daytime than so be it ,but maybe Etv should consider to bring in the daytime some other stuff to show and with other stuff i mean something like they did at Rai Uno some years ago and that was on saturdays a show named Noché De La Fiesta ( if i remember it correctly ) the girls they had showed some lingerie in every weekend show ( also some wedding close ,but don't show that please) and if they can show this in the daytime and maybe also sometimes in the late night show than that can aslo be a form of eurotic i think ,and i must say it was not bad this show and they had some nice looking models ,and i think this is also something that some of the soft models can do ( if they're not too shy to show something !) . This is only what i think ofcourse ! @Counterstrike "Etv will die very soon" ,hey buddy i hope not .((

Kind Regards


(th red/white shark)

22.04.2009, 15:36

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Thank you HvB I forgot the name now I remember but it's surely not the solution I think.

22.04.2009, 14:27

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Tantra was the drink they advertised

22.04.2009, 14:09

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Maybe they should advertise something like they advertise these drink I don't remember a while ago or hire your channel until 22:00 h to a shopping channel.

But I am not sure if it's a good idea. Get another license and make good shows would be better.

22.04.2009, 14:09

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

hey Damoah

You hope ETV don't close. Dream on Buddy. ETV will die very soon.

22.04.2009, 13:01

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

don't knock it, Malena is working as an accountant today. However Violet is nearly as exposed as Lilian, I never thought I'd ever write anything as stupid as that

22.04.2009, 12:14

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

BAd -boy, my pale :))

Malena is similar to my acounttant. We work together from 3 years. But Ola has better dresses ;)

22.04.2009, 12:08

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Re: Bad-Boy -> You're absolutely right!

22.04.2009, 12:03

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Better say:"It's more interesting to watch mould growing on a cheese."

22.04.2009, 11:59

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Watching painting becoming dry is more exiting and erotic than these stupid life shows of the last days! Here's my advice for the 'ETV' makers: STOP BROADCASTING IMMIDIATELY!!!

22.04.2009, 11:59

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv


There is only one way at the moment. Close your eyes and dream.

22.04.2009, 11:54

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

I want to Malena (now is on line) take off top and bra. What I must to do?

22.04.2009, 11:44

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

Yes, it's time to peel potatoes. lol

22.04.2009, 11:41

Re: from the best to good to bad to very bad now the worest etv

It's any tragedy. Models are bored, especially Malena and - my favorite - Jessy. Liveshow? What Liveshow? This is the office, not liveshow.
