Who' s the worst mod part II

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07.03.2008, 01:49

Who' s the worst mod part II

Since the previous one was closed due to going OT, I open this one just to say there's no chance for Martin, definitely the worst mod ever.

Tonight he couldn't either say to Desita that there was a song for the strip requested from a caller in english, guess in what language he told (I would write but I just would risk to put some ********* :))))))))).

Damn this happens always with poor Desita (one of the best english speaking). :)))

07.03.2008, 16:04

Re: Who' s the worst mod part II

[Nice Post: NOTHING to do with the topic so it's been removed]

07.03.2008, 04:40

Re: Who' s the worst mod part II

Situations like this seem to pave his way … you remember his favourite football team? ;-)

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