When there's nothing else to talk about.........

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09.12.2007, 10:36

When there's nothing else to talk about.........

And so it came to pass that it was time to think how I could entertain my reader on what would probably be a wet Sunday morning.

What subject is never far from the lips of anyone ? What is the most common topic of conversation (certainly within the UK) ? Das Wetter, that's wot. After all I must now speak in a language that more people can understand without the need for a dictionary.

In fact why we never adopted the word 'wetter' I'll never know as it sums up our climate perflectly.

And, as you rightly guessed, I can even find an analogy with our climate to this tv.

Rather easy this one is.

If it's hot, we complain. It did not last long enough

If it's not hot, we complain. Because we remember when it was hot and would rather have it that way.

So we wait many a cool, possibly mildly warm day, it the hope that hotter days will come.

But we cannot influence the weather such that we cannot influence the tv. Much greater powers are in force. Many talk of the threat of global warming the result of which can be seen in several places. Can the effect strike here or are we really asking too much ?

09.12.2007, 13:35

Re: When there's nothing else to talk about.........

Not everyone is waiting for the bright sun (allready offerd by some italian channels), some prefere a warm summers evening with a nice and romantic sunset ... (without unmotivated art attacks ...).

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