What shall we do with the drunken models,

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08.05.2009, 21:15

What shall we do with the drunken models,

What shall we do with the drunken models,
what shall we do with the drunken models,
what shall we do with the drunken models
lately in the evening?

Hooray, and down they fallin',
hooray, and down they fallin',
hooray, and down they fallin'
lately in the evening.

2. Take them and undress them
to try to make them naked ...
3. Give them a peeled banana...
something for suckin'
4. Give them a condom...
to blow up
5. Put them on a snugly bed until they are sober ...
6. Give them a whipped cream strawberry...
something for lickin'
7. That's what to do with the drunken models ...

[music:what shell we do with the drunken sailor...]

exclusivly the etv-version for today... ;-)

10.08.2011, 23:30

Re: What shall we do with the drunken models,

I know the song but what do you mean exactly and in which show the Ladies were drunken ? Confused
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