Welcome back Shamus

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10.02.2008, 20:51

Welcome back Shamus

Trust that you are refreshed after your vacation.

Gee. I really missed all your wonderful video effects. But right now you prove that you have not lost your touch.

Found some new ones too. A really 'let's paint the picture all red' or how about 'here's a cute negative type image' or even 'get a girl to dance where the skin tone is different on each shot'

And wash it all down with perfectly dark pictures or super-impose that spot light into the image.

Ten minutes or more of sheer brilliance. My hat comes off to your total vision. Bet you will get lot's of calls to congatulate you for your expertise.

10.02.2008, 22:16

Re: Welcome back Shamus


his return was imminent, something had to be done to stop Zita who was really going for it again today. Thank you very much Zita pity we couldn't appreciate your performance. More on this theme later.

p.s. you can't keep cutting away to feet for 5 hours ;-)

10.02.2008, 21:42

Re: Welcome back Shamus

Doesn't matter actually. The phone messages are covering half of the screen anyway. So, fire away with the video effects. Can't make things worse than the already are.

But still. Slim chance, that Steven Spielberg will come with a job offer.

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