Totally un-professional
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Good morning ETV. It's not very often that you get two pieces from me in one day. I really did not want to let the prepared text pass but last night's show (March 15) warrants this text. I have written before of the failure to start a show in good vision where all the viewers see is the out-of-focus shot. I have written before of the not-so-good-idea of one vision-mixer who starts ALL of his shows pointing a camera at a spot-light. Last night you excelled yourself. One thing you actually got right was to show the 'legal warning'. But you still forget it occasionally. Then the camera went back to the live shot and the crew were still preparing the set, and the girls were not all there. This went on for over one minute. And before you ask, the show started at the right time. But what then followed was even worse. The mixer usually shows the girls through that spot-light for approx four minutes. Just enough time to introduce them all. Last night he ran the effect for TEN minutes. I cannot believe that you had a single caller at that time although the pictures suggest otherwise. And the girls looked totally bemused by the proceedings. Remember you are playing a dangerous game with their loyalty. So in all there was over 11 minutes of your program totally wasted. You obviously do not need these callers. But if you do then you need a long hard look of how you start these shows. But just incase you do not believe me about this, I have prepared a clip of exactly how that 11 minutes played out and just explain to me if you consider this to be 'professional' |
The whole night show was terrible!!! No strip or show was shown complete, the camera changed permanent to another model during the strips and shows. The game "Unter dem Hammer" was participated only by 3 spectators, for all other spectators this game was boring, boring, boring! When I criticized the bad camera, Vladi reproached me that I would insult the models - but the models were good, perhaps the best of erotic tv (Sabrina, Nikita, Alexa, Malena, Zia). I have no reason to insult these models. What a pity that the camera work was so bad! |
This is totaly right ,the indroducin' with the spotlight is not professional done,and it's frustrating that they present the girls this way, i suggest that they do it like they did last year before this thing with the spotlight started .And i think the girls don't like it eather. Best Regards (the three musketeers) "Shaky" |
Just adding one little thing, we all know music played at ETV is brought by e-mule (or whatever else file sharing system), at least let's avoid to download promo versions (those with the phrase "you are listening to brand new Nightwish album" in the middle of the song). :))))) |
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