Tia frustrated
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I zapped by eurotic 1 just as the afternoon show was ending and would have zapped on if it wasn´t for Tia being on the microphone talking...did anyone else see this? She said she was sad and actually embarrassed about the situation on ETV at that moment...apperantly the director had directed the models NOT to undress at all. Tia obviously did not like it and said that...'we all know why we are here'...and it is 'embassasing' (not to be able to show any skin which is part of her job). She tried to get the other girls (Sunny, Malena, Jenifer, Violet etc) to comment but they were all busy on the phone /and/or unwilling to comment (Malena especially?). She also as she was passing Violet said that Violet has chosen not to show anything at all (which was of course her choice). She also said NOT to sent any SMS's for the remaining minutes of the show! So, it seems even some of the more professional models are in the dark about the rules and direction of ETV and are clearly very frustrated. Respect to Tia! I hope someone else saw it and maybe recorded it. |
Showing Tia not undressed for half an hour is like driving the whole month a Porsche in the first gear. :-(((( |
Tia's vengeance: Malena imprisoned. ;))) |
I think it depends on yesterday director, for example from the webstream right now I see Safo fully naked and playing with the red cream bottle, Lace playing with her lower back, Malena touching her pussy through her panties, and Tia smiling. Just talking about the red cream bottle, some days ago, Safo took a bit of that cream and she almost died for terrible smell, few days later, Safo was requested to cream massage on Tia's body, Tia asked Safo to use white cream bottle (it quite seems a Nivea), because (she explained this very well by gestures) the cream from red bottle keep its smell for days on her body. So the question is: what is in the red bottle? :))) |
Yes it´s strange, I don´t know why Tia said what she said (must have been out of frustration), I don´t think the director told her to! The director (don´t know who) was according to Tia behind one of the cameras (I got the impression that the director was actually holding he camera) because Tia simply said that the director was behind the camera and pointed and talked to the actual camera(-the director...who is behind this camera..)...and said that she was a little upset and would have to straighten the director out after the show (all done in a joking manner but still meaning what she said). I don´t know how it all started because I didn´t see her before she took the microphone...dare I guess that she got an angry SMS or a dissapointed caller?,,,and then wanted to comment why things are as they are? |
Well, I been frustrated over this channel for years so it's good to see that atleast someone got a brain over in that building because noone else seem to have one espec. the directors / "speaker" who have been lieing and cheating the callers for years. I just dont understand it. Is it so much lonely and frustrated men in german and italy that goes thru anything just to "show" their love those many of these useless models? I think is the few models who are able to use their brain like Jaya, Tia etc. let etv and made a new channel. And I'm pretty sure they would be, It would be the most successful (erotic?) channel by satelitte. But as long as they got people like Hans, Vladi and the other scumbags, etv will stay like this with the personal touch of "art" and wannabe mtv look. Tia and Jaya is one of the few models who I dont get annoid over seeing when I swap over the channels. No sure if this made any sense because the phone have been ringing here 3 times and I forgot what I was writeing about.. :D |
uhm...... strange that ETV allows models to say these things.... anyway sad to hear that. |
About Malena's wig...when Tia went over to Malena to get her to comment on the situation she (Tia) said to Malena, -what do you think about the situation?....Malena said -what situation? Tia replied something like -you know what I mean...but Malena was on the phone and didn´t seem to want to get involded. Tia got a little annoyed(?) and made some comment about Malena having a 'blond moment' (not her exact words) and we should not be fooled by her black wig...she then started to lift a little of Malena's wig to expose her blond hair...but didn't lift very much, she then left Malena. |
Pity I just watched few minutes enough to spot Malena's black wig. When Tia speaks to the microphone, she didn't ever say anything banal, I'm sorry if she's frustrated and embarassed, her eyes are usually melancholy veiled and her sadness would increase this melancholy (after all, it's better for me I didn't watch that). So, I hope this won't mean she's going to quit, hold on fatina, we are on your side. A big kiss. |
Hm, interesting. But sorry, I'm not recording in these times, I'm deleting etv "shows". Better watch Hot Chili. Question is, when will they close the next channel? |
I did not see this. There was certainly not a problem early in the show but there certainly was a problem in the early part of the second show. Yet as I write this, that 'problem' seems to be solved but I'm not so sure. There is still a lot of covering up. If this is a new policy, as soon as the regular callers wise up to it, the end may not be far away. ETV has always succeeded in a combination of the clothed and the un-clothed. If they take the former route for whatever reason they will not last long. |
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