TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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29.05.2015, 11:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I was thinking that ETV cannot surprise me anymore, but I was wrongBig Grin

29.05.2015, 11:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

MisterWayne wrote:Interesting is for me, that next week on Monday and Sunday there will be 6 Models instead of 5 in the nightshow. Was the new concept so successful?

Next week also new: Saturday and Sunday evening there will be 5 Models instead of 4.

Many Greetings

But this friday (today) they have 6 models in the nightshow plus 2 in parallel connections in summe 8 models on work and on the classic saturday night show (tomorow) 7 models without exclusive. More models for the exclusive mustn't be the reason.

For next monday and sunday, I can't belive that 6 models in front of a static camera is ok or they want to have a wall in front of the exclusive monitor, that no one have a free look to the ex Sad but this sounds a little bit too expensive. For me sounds it more like, focus is on the studio and ex would be produced with static camera and if up to 3 models for ex out, they have everytime a minimum of 3 models in the studio.

Wait and drink tea. We will see what a surprise etv has for us.

29.05.2015, 10:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Interesting is for me, that next week on Monday and Sunday there will be 6 Models instead of 5 in the nightshow. Was the new concept so successful?

Next week also new: Saturday and Sunday evening there will be 5 Models instead of 4.

Many Greetings

29.05.2015, 05:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Next week the twins together in the night show:
Wed 03.06 23:00 CET - Aleiss, Dakota, Jasmine, Kelly, Marla, Stella

28.05.2015, 21:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ok guys - after all the shit Eurotic produced over the last few days, fasten your seatbelts because there is more to come tonight. Honest -there is. Soft as butter in the sun.

23.05.2015, 21:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

For the next week:
Nights show.

Wed 27 - 23:00 CET: Aleiss, Ginger, Jasmine, Marla, Morena, Stella
Fri 29 - 23:00 CET: Ginger, Kristina, Linda, Saya, Stella, Tia
Sat 30 - 23:00 CET: Aida, Aleiss, Karolina, Kiara, Pink, Roshana, Tia

Other nights almost without change.

23.05.2015, 14:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The following can also a be possibility. Most models mentioned to have an age that also is common on students who go to university or other school (20 - 25 years). So this job at ETV is for most of them, I think, to raise money for their study. And now we are entering a period of exams. So I can imagine that a lot of models now stop their job at ETV to spend more and serious time to study. And after the exams, they are finished with school and getting to start a real job and life. End of a period of having fun, tease a little explore themselves and making some money. And a goodbey to us.

23.05.2015, 09:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think most of the time the new models just got fed up and moved on. The day shows must be mind knumbingly boring for them. Try standing wiggling your hips for 5 hours and smiling to yourself. Would you really be excited the next morning when you woke up and knew you had to do it all over again ?? Ha ha. That job in the local burger joint may seem a better option than hip wiggling.

23.05.2015, 01:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

xmsx80 wrote:What can be noticed is the declining number of the models for the night shows since February. Monique should be the 7th model or so that seems to have left.

and more models from day shift.

For a lot of/some models this job was only a temporary one. Only really a few models stay for a longer time (more than some/a year) at etv. Other leave if they found an other job with equal or better income. Some of them must leave etc or leave while they had trouble with the management/job.
The higher rate of changes could be also an indicator for financel problems, like it was in the industrie, change the old expensive staff to a cheaper on, to lower the costs and if the income for the model is lower it is easyer to find a job with equal income, result is a shorter time at etv and more changes.
Is it possible that in the past the etv revenue was not good and after the sky adventure (some say disaster) and all the try and error, etv had a big revenue problem. All they try is to make a turn around but untill now it didn't work and they try and try. After all that I hope that they go back to a status bevor sky, but this can take a while.

21.05.2015, 19:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

What can be noticed is the declining number of the models for the night shows since February. Monique should be the 7th model or so that seems to have left.

21.05.2015, 19:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

anelleS wrote:...
What do you think? Is it the beginning of the end of the TV night shows?
Not really. Looks like one more try&error.
It always takes some time until they find out a concept doesn't work, so this change for me is an indication the exclusive nightshow mix didn't really work.
So we'll probably have to live with that for some time, but hey, it's summer, time to go out instead of sitting in front of the TV.
Anyway I'm pretty sure this will not really work too, because they still didn't fix the basic problem for becoming a member, and that's their payment method.
And for me it's not interesting anyway because stream recording is fuss and requires the computer to run all night.


21.05.2015, 17:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Sunday- Monday and Wednesday were the only nights worth watching. There are plenty free sites on the internet doing what most customers request on Eurotic. They also do it better without cuts or silly vision mixing to entice you to pay to see more, and its all in glorious close up- not from the roof of a studio. Eurotic should just go internet and save a fortune in transponder costs. They just don't know which direction to go in these days- it used to be oh so simple.

21.05.2015, 12:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

In my view this indicates now a clear separation of callers and viewers. It completely reverses the present 'modus operandi' of the shows.

Before it was the girls attending mainly the callers, being asked now and then by some VIP sms for a show (be it on TV or in the internet). Now it will be an uninterrupted show on the internet with the girls being asked now and then to go to the studio to attend a caller.

This principle serves the callers on FTA. Secondly, it presumably creates a show with a steady flow in the internet, with the girls not being distracted by calls, Not to mention, it further locks out the free riders, now being forced also to give some credits to see a show.

On the downside, those who like to call once a girl is performing a show will not be able to do that anymore. These people have to decide when to call and when to watch or whether they give up on either or.

Advantage though is, that many of the girls apparently feel more comfortable in the internet and thus are more daring then in any TV show, also perfectly knowing that all that is broadcasted on the internet is copyright protected.

But the core question is, will the new shows be better, or different from the present FTA and/or internet shows ? I doubt, as the production and the (erratic) rules remains the same. However, time will tell.

Will the nightshows on TV be dead during the blended shows ? - Yes.

Edit (45 minutes after above comment): A program has now been added to the internet show for the blended nightshow May 24th/25th. Looks to me like a mingle-mangle of exclusive/premium shows. But all for 2 credits is certainly not too bad a price. (On a personal side note, I keep my credits as my interest in the show as well as the line up is less then zero)

21.05.2015, 11:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

anelleS wrote:Hey guys, a significant change in the TV Night Shows will come. Confused I discovered the following just now on the ETV NEWS section:

"New TV Show Schedule | Starting Sunday | 24th May

Exclusive Energy Mix is Blending

Starting this Sunday there won’t be TV Night Shows during the nights with Exclusive Energy Shows on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. Mixing the TV and Exclusive Shows was fun and exciting, but we found it counterproductive to make two almost identical shows at the same time. So, this Sunday will be the first Exclusive Energy “blend” that will stream only on The TV studio will stream the first dozen minutes of each Exclusive Show and then will start to broadcast signal from the TV studio with the models that are not participating or are preparing for an exclusive.

The models in the TV studio will still communicate with TV viewers if there are any, but there will not be any directed “show” that can be seen on TV. TV viewers will see the studio with models talking and/ or preparing for an exclusive and two plasma screens - one for messages and one that will broadcast what is happening in the exclusive studio. The TV studio will be transferred in to some kind of an actor’s lounge where our models interact with the viewers while waiting their turn for a performance.

All other nights there will be TV Night Shows and on Friday we will continue with the Parallel Connection Show that relates the TV Show and the Exclusive Show.

This new Exclusive Energy ”blend” has the pretences to be more innovative, bold and ambitious! Besides viewers wishes that we decide are most interesting and original, we will have a rehearsed scenario and program that you will receive upfront, so you can have some idea what to expect and to help you with “blending” your ideas in to our new concept. We will turbocharge the Exclusive Energy Shows and we hope this change will help us concentrate our focus in making newer, better and more attractive shows for both the entertainment of the viewers and the creative evolution of us as a team."

What do you think? Is it the beginning of the end of the TV night shows?

Yes, if they change all the night shows in this way. Thumb down Cry
But wait, if they are sure that it works they wouldn't change only one night. All what they do is try and error and it could be also the beginning of the end of the exclusive. In my eyes all the changes with the exclusive, in a very short time, isn't while they want to be innovative (that is what they said), they aren't satisfied with the result of the exclusives and the cost for a second studio, equipment, personal and .., are too high. This is the next try to make a better result with the ex and I think they try it in the weakest night. They don't know what to do and they use the daytime concept now for the night. I don't know, if this could be successful. Confused

In my eyes this was the next step to anger a lot of viewers and vip user. last night only a few users sent ex wishes, it could be that 'the one' sent more than 50% of all ex wishes and some without a name. I think that is not enough.

Drink tea and wait Sad

10.05.2015, 20:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

brudgon wrote:Thursday 14th
23:00 CET - TV Show - Roshana Style Show | No Exclusives - Eliza, Karolina, Linda, Penelope, Pink and Roshana | 4 hrs

how can this show be erotic with this cast?AngryAngryAngry

No doubt you'll watch it to find out and then complain about it here Confused