TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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02.05.2015, 19:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Italianfan wrote:Morena will debut in a NS next Friday SmileSmile

I watched the show this morning but Morena did not show up at all. So I wasted my credits although there was Jasmine Tongue Tongue Tongue to compensate the loss.
Does someone know whether Morena left ETV or can we enjoy her performance in the night show.
Have fun.

02.05.2015, 12:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Morena will debut in a NS next Friday SmileSmile

02.05.2015, 12:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

And at the night show will be Elmar finally!
Sunday 10th 23:00 CET - TV Show - Exclusive Energy Mix - Angelina, Elmar, Jasmine, Saiqa and Suzy

02.05.2015, 12:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

slava64 wrote:"Tuesday night show will be the brainchild of one of our new directors..."

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
This morning from the advertising it became known that this would be a shower show 05.05.2015 all night long!
I wonder, with what models? And will be Exclusive Energy Mix or not?

It won' t be an Exclusive Energy Mix, just a normal show SmileSmile

02.05.2015, 12:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

slava64 wrote:"Tuesday night show will be the brainchild of one of our new directors..."

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
This morning from the advertising it became known that this would be a shower show 05.05.2015 all night long!
I wonder, with what models? And will be Exclusive Energy Mix or not?

Gabrielle, Karolina, Kia, Lauren and Tia

02.05.2015, 12:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

"Tuesday night show will be the brainchild of one of our new directors..."

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
This morning from the advertising it became known that this would be a shower show 05.05.2015 all night long!
I wonder, with what models? And will be Exclusive Energy Mix or not?

02.05.2015, 12:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tuesday 5th May come back the shower-show.

30.04.2015, 14:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Apologies for my cynical statement about the schedule .I shall have to reference to the next time.

30.04.2015, 11:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

michalis wrote:Either Roshana has not made up her mind weather she will appear or not on her usual ns or its a ploy to increase interest on that night .Its very unsual and cannot put it down to clerical/digital error.

You are overinterpreting this. It is just that someone forgot to add the schedule as of 2300 CET today in the models schedule.

Check the internet schedule though.

[hidden link - please register]


30.04.2015, 11:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Either Roshana has not made up her mind weather she will appear or not on her usual ns or its a ploy to increase interest on that night .Its very unsual and cannot put it down to clerical/digital error.

30.04.2015, 09:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

MisterXXX wrote:Sorry for this (maybe silly) question: why this time gap tonight between 10 p.m. and 1.00 a.m. ??

either a special idea or the world famous etv end of the month schedule bug.

30.04.2015, 09:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ah i see...thanks for answering Thumb upSmile

30.04.2015, 08:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

MisterXXX wrote:Sorry for this (maybe silly) question: why this time gap tonight between 10 p.m. and 1.00 a.m. ??

23:00 CET - TV Show - Roshana Style Show | No Exclusives - Karolina, Kia, Lauren, Linda, Penelope and Roshana | 4 hrs

30.04.2015, 08:39

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Sorry for this (maybe silly) question: why this time gap tonight between 10 p.m. and 1.00 a.m. ??

25.04.2015, 22:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Wilsonsand wrote:male models in ETV? EnvyEnvyAngry
nothing new: some years ago there was at least one arabic speaking (gay) guy in front of the cams - fully accepted by the female models as it seemed ... and Mario for only one hour looks like a trial - or just another molvanian joke
Amateur models online