TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

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14.01.2012, 17:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:Let`s watch which models are in nightshows next week.
Can it be possible that CHELSEA is in NOONE nightshow, but (I suppose that after my experiences last time) that for example Roshanna and Michelle and (really sweet!) Naomi are in several nightshows?

it isn't fair that Chelsea gets the same treatment as more than 40% of the models. Angry
or are you fighting for Anna, Brona, Carla, Chelsea, Cinderella, Conny, Jane, Janine, Jessica, Lilian, Ronnie, Sabrina, Simona, Suzy and Tessa and against Kate, Kristina and Nancy?

if it's the second point: nice to see that finally someone asks for Lilian in a night show. Thumb up

14.01.2012, 16:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I would believe you with pleasure, but:
Let`s watch which models are in nightshows next week.
Can it be possible that CHELSEA is in NOONE nightshow, but (I suppose that after my experiences last time) that for example Roshanna and Michelle and (really sweet!) Naomi are in several nightshows?

14.01.2012, 15:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:...
Until now I thought that the models choose their shows by own decission. But now I have doubts.
Exist there bad intriges?

Because every shift has a fixed amount of models, of course some regulations by ETV are needed. The models tell when they want and have the time to work and Randa has the ungrateful job to bring a structure in this chaos to fill the schedule. And she has to consider the wishes of the models, the preferences of the viewers, dayshift, nightshift, weekend or not and for sure a lot of other things. And for sure not everybody will always be happy with the result. It's a little bit like the try to arrange a chicken house. Big Grin
But I'm quiet sure there are no bad intrigues (against Chelsea).

14.01.2012, 14:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:I just heard that CHELSEA will be for the first time not in the monday night show. I published it in my message to CHELSEA.
She didn`t tell me why, but I had the impression that this was not her choice.
Until now I thought that the models choose their shows by own decission. But now I have doubts.
Exist there bad intriges?

ever imagined that more than 6 or 7 models want to be in a shift?
they ask for the shifts they want and someone must create with the single wishes the schedule.

first was the monday Scarlet's show and next it was Chelsea's show. but as jonas always askes for the same rights for all models he'll happyly accept if this monday night it's the show of another model, or? ;)

14.01.2012, 14:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I just heard that CHELSEA will be for the first time not in the monday night show. I published it in my message to CHELSEA.
She didn`t tell me why, but I had the impression that this was not her choice.
Until now I thought that the models choose their shows by own decission. But now I have doubts.
Exist there bad intriges?

14.01.2012, 06:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Anna will be the Model which is in the studio from 7 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

13.01.2012, 19:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Carter8 wrote:Tessa again

what a joke

why get this girl so many shifts

she is mediacore and nothing more

she will never be in Gia league

If you take the last performances of each, Tessa is a notch aboveCool

13.01.2012, 18:39

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Carter8 wrote:Tessa again

what a joke

why get this girl so many shifts

she is mediacore and nothing more

she will never be in Gia league

She has signed up for more shifts, probably because she has more time or needs more money. It really isn't a higher science, just common sense if you think for two seconds. Big Grin

13.01.2012, 16:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tessa again

what a joke

why get this girl so many shifts

she is mediacore and nothing more

she will never be in Gia league

13.01.2012, 12:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

ginlemon wrote:answer abaut this night cast?
tank's very much

[hidden link - please register]Big Grin

13.01.2012, 12:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

almo58 wrote:answer to this nightcast


Tarl_Cabot wrote:
eigentor wrote:Thank you Tarl for putting up the schedule again !!! Thumb up

of course the flowers must be sent to the persons who share the schedule with us.
the Mods can only use the info they get. so all the Thx to our schedule sources. Thumb up

but I'm still not sure in which way the schedule will continue. if we add the schedule nearly just in time which means ~ one hour before the shows starts (as it happened last week) or if we add the complete day in the morning (as today) or if we publish the complete week (as it happened in the past even although the shifts at the end at the week were often edited during the week).
during the last week we got some "nice comments" and it's frightening to see that some become only active if they don't get anything for free or that some still believe that we are an official etv service website. so it's only obvious that too many don't understand what a forum is. Confused
we try to offer a free forum and the only need for being member of this forum is to keep the forum rules. we don't take any money but he hope that the forum members are active and support us in our work we do for free in our personal free time. sad to see that too many will be only active and "supporting" if they don't get what they want or they need a place to complain. Sad

13.01.2012, 11:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

almo58 wrote:answer to this nightcast

in my opinion tonight cast is very very interestingTongue

13.01.2012, 11:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

almo58 wrote:answer to this nightcast


Already bored? Sad
Or just boring?Cool

13.01.2012, 11:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

answer to this nightcast


13.01.2012, 10:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Isabella will be the Model which is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

But no nice shower today? Sad
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