TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

Author Posts

16.12.2011, 16:57

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Mmm. Too many models tonight ???

16.12.2011, 05:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Chelsea will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

15.12.2011, 06:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Jessica will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

14.12.2011, 11:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

tonight great cast scarletIn love michelle penelope and naomi with surprise? I hopeThumb upThumb upThumb up

14.12.2011, 05:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

13.12.2011, 22:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

petition for roshana in the nighshowThumb upBig Grin

13.12.2011, 21:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

tonightBig Grin
5 modelsThumb up
this is the right number for a great showThumb up
...and what a castTongue
pretty sensual fashion girlsTongue

13.12.2011, 20:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

i'm curious to see the "christmas schedule"
hopes great castBig Grin

13.12.2011, 20:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:guess e-mailing is still for free. Open to everyone who has a internet connection. Maybe. Yes, a nickname is necessary. Hope I could help. Smile

Every help if of course welcomed Smile Thanks Cool

13.12.2011, 19:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

timfrance wrote:Thanks Genaro. Can you please give more details ? Is that free of taxes, open to everyone ? Is it possible to add a little message to the models ? Should we give some details (specify that it is for this sunday show, give a nickname) ?

I guess e-mailing is still for free. Open to everyone who has a internet connection. Maybe. Yes, a nickname is necessary. Hope I could help. Smile

13.12.2011, 19:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think that the idea, at first, can be interesting, but this can drive to not wished situations (for example, to send false photos, obscene photos, etc.).
I believe that it would be more interesting, to be capable of sending a mail to the model that I want, and that the model, if she wants, will answer me with another mail.
Although, possibly, this can be more complicated.

13.12.2011, 19:36

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Mario205 wrote:I just hope that not too many, vulgar pictures are sent. Confused

I would say : I hope that at least ONE picture will NOT be vulgar Confused

But it is really a good idea. In fact perverse picture also have something to tell : when the models will see the pictures, they will think : oh this one is nice, this one is shy, etc. But when they will be a perverse picture, there will be just one word : pervert.

GenaroXP wrote:You and all other viewers will have the possibility to send pics (when I´m not wrong also short clips) of you to etv on their special for this made new mail adress and this pics (or clips) will be shown on sunday night to the models and don´t be afraid only the models will have the possibility to see them and all other viewers not,they made It that also the models will have this time the chance to see how some of their callers/sms-senders look because we all have the possibility to see them day by day on the screen but the models self never know how look the person on the other side of the phone line,so this time you will have the chance to do the same what Manuel or Bene (Papst) had done in the past.

Thanks Genaro. Can you please give more details ? Is that free of taxes, open to everyone ? Is it possible to add a little message to the models ? Should we give some details (specify that it is for this sunday show, give a nickname) ?

13.12.2011, 19:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:
kyke50 wrote:Please:
does anybody know of what it will consist, the show of the next Sunday in the night?
They have announced it as something special.

You and all other viewers will have the possibility to send pics (when I´m not wrong also short clips) of you to etv on their special for this made new mail adress and this pics (or clips) will be shown on sunday night to the models and don´t be afraid only the models will have the possibility to see them and all other viewers not,they made It that also the models will have this time the chance to see how some of their callers/sms-senders look because we all have the possibility to see them day by day on the screen but the models self never know how look the person on the other side of the phone line,so this time you will have the chance to do the same what Manuel or Bene (Papst) had done in the past.

and I think that's a really great idea,
it is only fair to give the girls the possibility to make a picture from their viewers.
ETV does not have many good ideas, but in this case, my compliment for this idea. Thumb up Thumb up

I just hope that not too many, vulgar pictures are sent. Confused

13.12.2011, 18:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kyke50 wrote:Please:
does anybody know of what it will consist, the show of the next Sunday in the night?
They have announced it as something special.

You and all other viewers will have the possibility to send pics (when I´m not wrong also short clips) of you to etv on their special for this made new mail adress and this pics (or clips) will be shown on sunday night to the models and don´t be afraid only the models will have the possibility to see them and all other viewers not,they made It that also the models will have this time the chance to see how some of their callers/sms-senders look because we all have the possibility to see them day by day on the screen but the models self never know how look the person on the other side of the phone line,so this time you will have the chance to do the same what Manuel or Bene (Papst) had done in the past.

13.12.2011, 17:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

does anybody know of what it will consist, the show of the next Sunday in the night?
They have announced it as something special.
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