TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

Author Posts

30.11.2011, 14:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

All my good wishes to Scarlet.In love

30.11.2011, 14:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

carla nightshow and afterhour tonightTongue
wow i'm curiousBig Grin

30.11.2011, 14:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Only for info: No more Scarlet this week, all of her shifts have been removed from the schedule. Lilian will replace her in the today evening show. Sad

(Please no wild speculations, for sure she will be back soon! And no, I have no more info, why this happened. Smile )

30.11.2011, 08:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Many many thanks Tarl, i think everybody needs to respect these kind of people like Tarl, where during economic crisis helps us to keep some of pleasure like looking the schedule through the day and watch live shows in the afternoon and evening,..........
many many thanks again and i will make a proposal to moderators (personal opinion of course but democratic one): when you see a dis-respect opinion here, pls delete the corresponding user, whoever doesn't like the place, the channel and models, simply, change site, change frequency......i think it's very simple and so is ETV's funs, ok sometimes show isn't so good as others or models as well but we should express our opinions giving respect to the moderators first (who do something we cannot do it) and to the models as well, who are not animals and they have good days, good mood and bad one...i have personal experience because of my work that's why i express my opinion for the models.....!
Many thanks again Tarl Smile

30.11.2011, 05:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Simona will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

29.11.2011, 21:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yep I agree, we lose Lillian and gain Claudia.
Same old sh*t, same old models.
Perhaps force a couple of softies in the nights show, wearing only short skirts etc.
Not the bullet proof stuff they wear nowdays, it's ridiculous.
Any model that wears black tights or leggings in a show should be shown the door.
Plenty of other models want to do it, look at the new

29.11.2011, 20:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
eigentor wrote:Thank you Tarl for putting up the schedule again !!! Thumb up

of course the flowers must be sent to the persons who share the schedule with us.
the Mods can only use the info they get. so all the Thx to our schedule sources. Thumb up

but I'm still not sure in which way the schedule will continue. if we add the schedule nearly just in time which means ~ one hour before the shows starts (as it happened last week) or if we add the complete day in the morning (as today) or if we publish the complete week (as it happened in the past even although the shifts at the end at the week were often edited during the week).
during the last week we got some "nice comments" and it's frightening to see that some become only active if they don't get anything for free or that some still believe that we are an official etv service website. so it's only obvious that too many don't understand what a forum is. Confused
we try to offer a free forum and the only need for being member of this forum is to keep the forum rules. we don't take any money but he hope that the forum members are active and support us in our work we do for free in our personal free time. sad to see that too many will be only active and "supporting" if they don't get what they want or they need a place to complain. Sad

the work of the moderators here is extraordinary. the schedule should not be released for a long time here so you'll see that things will change because I am tired of reading every day where is schedule? or next week schedule?AngryAngry
i will say million and million time again respect because i'm tired for thisAngry

eucuse me for my utterancesAngry

29.11.2011, 20:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The Dream Team has just called up a sub, Nancy, not a bad
replacement Tongue

Seems Scarlet was upset after Jonas went apeshit on her last night.

Well done Jonas.

29.11.2011, 16:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Great tuesday night ahead, Carling Cup game,
Then The Dream Team on ETV In love

Hope results go my way Cool

29.11.2011, 12:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think,i am going in bed at 23:00 and waiting for the schedule of tomorrow.Why not great Isabella tonight?Thumb downThumb downAngry

29.11.2011, 11:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Thank you Mods for bringing back the schedule, i know you all do a great work.Thumb up

But after reading the tuesday night schedule i am again disappointed. Why every week the same crap? Why not other five models without Scarlet, Cloodia and Kristina? It seems to me ETV will burnout Scarlet to earn with her the last cents this year......Thumb downThumb downAngryEnvy

29.11.2011, 05:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Connie will be the Model who is in the studio from 6 to 11 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

28.11.2011, 18:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
eigentor wrote:Thank you Tarl for putting up the schedule again !!! Thumb up

of course the flowers must be sent to the persons who share the schedule with us.
the Mods can only use the info they get. so all the Thx to our schedule sources. Thumb up

but I'm still not sure in which way the schedule will continue. if we add the schedule nearly just in time which means ~ one hour before the shows starts (as it happened last week) or if we add the complete day in the morning (as today) or if we publish the complete week (as it happened in the past even although the shifts at the end at the week were often edited during the week).
during the last week we got some "nice comments" and it's frightening to see that some become only active if they don't get anything for free or that some still believe that we are an official etv service website. so it's only obvious that too many don't understand what a forum is. Confused
we try to offer a free forum and the only need for being member of this forum is to keep the forum rules. we don't take any money but he hope that the forum members are active and support us in our work we do for free in our personal free time. sad to see that too many will be only active and "supporting" if they don't get what they want or they need a place to complain. Sad

Tarl, sir, I believe that members of this forum, as we have it all so easy and so well presented, we do not realize the work involved for your, the mods,
and sometimes we forget to thank him for his efforts as deserve.
I hope this "clarion call" that have given us this past week with the list, we will see their work differently.
Of course, it is my opinion.
Have a good day.

28.11.2011, 17:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

eigentor wrote:Thank you Tarl for putting up the schedule again !!! Thumb up

of course the flowers must be sent to the persons who share the schedule with us.
the Mods can only use the info they get. so all the Thx to our schedule sources. Thumb up

but I'm still not sure in which way the schedule will continue. if we add the schedule nearly just in time which means ~ one hour before the shows starts (as it happened last week) or if we add the complete day in the morning (as today) or if we publish the complete week (as it happened in the past even although the shifts at the end at the week were often edited during the week).
during the last week we got some "nice comments" and it's frightening to see that some become only active if they don't get anything for free or that some still believe that we are an official etv service website. so it's only obvious that too many don't understand what a forum is. Confused
we try to offer a free forum and the only need for being member of this forum is to keep the forum rules. we don't take any money but he hope that the forum members are active and support us in our work we do for free in our personal free time. sad to see that too many will be only active and "supporting" if they don't get what they want or they need a place to complain. Sad

28.11.2011, 15:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Thank you Tarl for putting up the schedule again !!! Thumb up

(I take it that you are responsible)
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