TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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Amateur models online
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26.09.2011, 14:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:
The_Feeling wrote:
HvB wrote:
Shirtfull wrote:With only 4 models, will they limit each callers time?

no, but you better be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or a gold member to get through ...

nicely done.
I like this post it shows me the only way Etv can survive make it special and then only an elite group has access to the model.
Thats great! Thumb up
or in other words no money ----> no honey!

edit: sure some will now say I´m just shirty!

Actually that wasn't what I thought of, but it's the logical consequence of the call for shows with only few models.

Four models ? I think is a good choice and i'm sure will be a interesting show

26.09.2011, 14:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
The_Feeling wrote:
HvB wrote:no, but you better be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or a gold member to get through ...

nicely done.
I like this post it shows me the only way Etv can survive make it special and then only a elite group has access to the model.
Thats great! Thumb up
or in other words no money ----> no honey!

as etv is profit oriented it wants or must earn some money.
and as the phone companies and rules in these countries allowe etv to earn some more money from a caller in one minute or a call in general than from most other countries these are the prefered caller countries.
so nothing to do with elite groups. it's just a money thing with the foreign phone companies.

or use the honey symbol:
the honey from france isn't sweet and meaty enough to keep etv alive. Smile

come on.
Give me a break.
Why I´m the only one who talks the truth.
Of course it´s an elite thing.
But Etv is not able the reach this group!
Because there is no one in their staff who is able to fix the visible thing.
They failed with every concept.
There is. There was.There will never be!
Etv has a boss who doesn´t cares about his little channel.
He is almost busy with other things. So he leaves his little poor clerks alone with the problems.
But maybe should all ask bellerophon.
It´s useless to fight against windmills!
[truthmode= off]

PS: I´m not a Etv hater either a fan boy. It´s just sadly to watch they almost lost sights every day to another.

26.09.2011, 14:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:
HvB wrote:no, but you better be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or a gold member to get through ...

nicely done.
I like this post it shows me the only way Etv can survive make it special and then only a elite group has access to the model.
Thats great! Thumb up
or in other words no money ----> no honey!

as etv is profit oriented it wants or must earn some money.
and as the phone companies and rules in these countries allowe etv to earn some more money from a caller in one minute or a call in general than from most other countries these are the prefered caller countries.
so nothing to do with elite groups. it's just a money thing with the foreign phone companies.

or use the honey symbol:
the honey from france isn't sweet and meaty enough to keep etv alive. Smile

26.09.2011, 14:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:
HvB wrote:
Shirtfull wrote:With only 4 models, will they limit each callers time?

no, but you better be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or a gold member to get through ...

nicely done.
I like this post it shows me the only way Etv can survive make it special and then only an elite group has access to the model.
Thats great! Thumb up
or in other words no money ----> no honey!

edit: sure some will now say I´m just shirty!

Actually that wasn't what I thought of, but it's the logical consequence of the call for shows with only few models.

26.09.2011, 14:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:
Shirtfull wrote:With only 4 models, will they limit each callers time?

no, but you better be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or a gold member to get through ...

nicely done.
I like this post it shows me the only way Etv can survive make it special and then only an elite group has access to the model.
Thats great! Thumb up
or in other words no money > no honey!

edit: sure some will now say I´m just shirty!

26.09.2011, 13:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Shirtfull wrote:With only 4 models, will they limit each callers time?

no, but you better be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland or a gold member to get through ...

26.09.2011, 13:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

With only 4 models, will they limit each callers time?

26.09.2011, 12:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Again a new concept??So after all entertainment for to earn money with only 4 girls in the nightshift instead of possible 8,9 or even 10 phone calls and paying viewers same time??And only 4 girls mean that some viewers have to wait long time to see their favorite model again...why is ETV always so extremly changing ??Please ,dear Mr.ETV in "Molvania" the musicrights for actual music instead of that boring ugly sound which is played now....make shifts with 6 girls...and a concept if its really a special we all will enjoy and pay you...its never about the models if u get less money...its all about ur management and rules...

26.09.2011, 11:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

so tonight starts the new etv nightshow featureThumb up
finally in the studio only four models...i like itThumb up
so all fans can enjoy about favourite model...more camera time for allThumb up
i hopes no complain in the dayafter (me too)Big Grin

26.09.2011, 08:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Looks a little bit like the early days. I remember shows with only 4 models for example Jaya, Allegra, Megita & Lolita and it was a nice show. So let's see what they will do.

26.09.2011, 06:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ronnie will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

26.09.2011, 00:05

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I like this initiative, more time for the models, more time for the stars, I think its a possitive, it´s bold and attractive proposal, I am waiting for that, it´s different. We have been talking about overcrowded studios a lot of times, now ETV offer (why do that is a mistery) the alternative. There must be a good money reason, moreover artistic intentions, but its ok anyway for me, and I want to thank ETV for that.Thumb up I hope it will be succesful.

25.09.2011, 23:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

such models make the show?

25.09.2011, 22:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:To give you a hint:
4 models
2 cameras
no director
moderators move out of the studio
so the girls will be on their own with the 2 camera operators and a lot of artistic freedom

So "eki" will be the director of wednesday´s nightshow. Cool

25.09.2011, 13:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:[quote='zorgaux']
so "no director" means no one who says what should happen on the screen. the models can decide what to do and the video director decides what to show.

I knew there must be a catch! Confused