TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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20.09.2011, 16:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

It seems that one Newbie replaced an other Newbie this evening because Emma is in the studio for her first regular show to replace Naomi which should have her first regular show in todays evening show.

20.09.2011, 16:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tomorrow we will see again a "Billiard Show" but this time in the Night Show Confused

20.09.2011, 10:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I fully agree with Panda.
47 models (Others TV broadcasting same show have less models)
But if we made a choice: beauty, body, teasing, expression, streapping, moving on stage will remain few models
able to carry out a suitable show.
Now we are a lot of people that blame ETV for the great no of models in the show night and the mania of regia
to change frame so fast from one performing model to a model or models not performing (censorship ?)
Few months ago I sent a email to staff (regarding no of models in night shift and work of regia),
but I have no reply and as ETV continues to do, probably nobody of them red my mssg, or They didn't care.
ETV lives on sms, msg ,received by watchers and the sistem: more models on screen=more sms /Mssg for ETV is still valid.
To Justify my opinion If You watch Eurotic Tv on Astra, You can see a lot of mssg (German language) that are not concerning the show.
and these mssgs are more that mssgs to the models
More, there are people that are satisfied by actual braocasting ( I hope few) so I fear that ETV will continue in this way.

20.09.2011, 06:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Watcher wrote:Confused

Has GenaroXP overslept? ... Big Grin
maybeBig Grin
therefore.....brona will be the model wich is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12CETSmile..........i wish her a very nice dayBig Grin
hopes genaro will allowBig Grin

20.09.2011, 06:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion


Has GenaroXP overslept? ... Big Grin

20.09.2011, 06:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Brona is in the "lucky" situation to spend her morning in the studio.
Enjoy it Brona. Smile

19.09.2011, 06:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Jessica will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 6 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice day Smile

19.09.2011, 00:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

on thursday 22:00
gia and scarlet in the show
hopes to see interaction betweenTongue
subscribeBig Grin

18.09.2011, 20:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Why connie removed next week schedule?

18.09.2011, 19:56

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

some changes on the next weeks schedule.

Thumb up the first regular show for Naomi

Thumb down the old friday & saturday night shifts are back (or at least a slight variation)

18.09.2011, 16:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:After seeing next week's schedule I could'nt help it and started counting.
So, there are 46 active models until now.
28 of them are performing in night shows.(That's what matters me)
6 of them are softies (Connie,Karry,Nicole,Evah,Simona andJessica) so there are only 22 striping models out of 46 to cover 7 nights.That's 48% of total girls.Less than half.
Another 7 striping models(Anna,Bebe,Jannine,Penelope,Ronnie,Tessa and Tia)do not appear at all.
And there is a large amound of 18 models (24 with the 6 softies of night shows) that do nothing but dancing and talking with the viewers.
Most of them I've never seen on screen because I only watch night shows and most of them are just a headake for the moderators by just coming and going.
Conclusion.ETV is a partial erotic (if I can say so) channel,presenting nude shows for 4 out of 24 hours and mostly a phone call channel.How much money they earn this way is their problem.
My problem is that I only see the same girls performing in night shows again and again.I like very much some of them and have no problem by seeing them repetetly but I'm expecting new models to come and participate in nights or ETV to understand what is legal and present some nudity in afternoon shows.
After all that kind of nudity is the one we watch in afternoon movies or even advertisements.

P.S. If you ask me why am I writing all these I'll tell you that simply ETV has become a (bad) habit to me.
That's all.

Thank you for stating your views in a nice way! I haven´t checked the figures, but just feel like commenting the points that I have underlined

Your conclusion seems to me a good summary of the state of things. Cool
Our habit must not necessarily be so bad, after all (I hope), especially if the problem it gives us is restricted to the one you mention. Blush
Our expectations and their fulfillment is crucial for the future. We want some new stars in the sky now and then and that can be managed in two ways. Either they recruite models who are already established when they arrive (so-called "pros") Sad or they find girls who are willing to start with daytime shows and then gradually develope into nightshow performers (and I don´t mean only as decorations). Smile
You may guess which formula I would prefer. In my opinion that is the only one compatible with the very idea of ETV. So I just hold my thumbs and hope for the best future.

18.09.2011, 13:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

After seeing next week's schedule I could'nt help it and started counting.
So, there are 46 active models until now.
28 of them are performing in night shows.(That's what matters me)
6 of them are softies (Connie,Karry,Nicole,Evah,Simona andJessica) so there are only 22 striping models out of 46 to cover 7 nights.That's 48% of total girls.Less than half.
Another 7 striping models(Anna,Bebe,Jannine,Penelope,Ronnie,Tessa and Tia)do not appear at all.
And there is a large amound of 18 models (24 with the 6 softies of night shows) that do nothing but dancing and talking with the viewers.
Most of them I've never seen on screen because I only watch night shows and most of them are just a headake for the moderators by just coming and going.
Conclusion.ETV is a partial erotic (if I can say so) channel,presenting nude shows for 4 out of 24 hours and mostly a phone call channel.
How much money they earn this way is their problem.
My problem is that I only see the same girls performing in night shows again and again.
I like very much some of them and have no problem by seeing them repetetly but I'm expecting new models to come and participate in nights or ETV to understand what is legal and present some nudity in afternoon shows.
After all that kind of nudity is the one we watch in afternoon movies or even advertisements.

P.S. If you ask me why am I writing all these I'll tell you that simply ETV has become a (bad) habit to me.
That's all.

18.09.2011, 06:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Connie will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 12 CET Smile......I wish her a very nice sunday Smile

17.09.2011, 22:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Watcher wrote:That was quick ... she was in this evening's show.

I noticed but it's for next week. Eventhough I will change it for you. Blush

17.09.2011, 22:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:Models missing: Chloe (left) and Tessa
Models with just a few shifts: Bebe, Carla, Connie, Jacqueline (will left), Jane, Janine, Kimberly, Lia, Randa and Ronnie
Models back: Amira

(two models signed up for more shows: Andria and Emma)

That was quick ... she was in this evening's show.
Amateur models online