TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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29.06.2011, 23:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

kyke50 wrote:Something does not understand,
why is the list Gia at 03:00?

because it isn't midnight and so nobody knows who will replace her in the After Hour and so the schedule cannot be edited. Angry

29.06.2011, 23:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Something does not understand,
why is the list Gia at 03:00?

29.06.2011, 22:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

4 softies and 2 hotties, and the worst notice... no Gia!!! what is this????? the world upside down!

29.06.2011, 22:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

schedule update:
have you heard?
tonigth Mashi, Kristina, Kate, Nicole, Coni Simona

29.06.2011, 21:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hanshel wrote:
jost54 wrote:The QueenHeart together with the secret QueenHeartHeart and 3 soft modelsCry in the shower show. A mission impossible?Tongue Blessing or curse?Confused Anyhow an experiment.Cool
I am curious and we need a brilliant director.Smile

Smile Janine is director - that´s really brillant I think Tongue Thumb upThumb upThumb up

cross fingers

29.06.2011, 20:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jost54 wrote:The QueenHeart together with the secret QueenHeartHeart and 3 soft modelsCry in the shower show. A mission impossible?Tongue Blessing or curse?Confused Anyhow an experiment.Cool
I am curious and we need a brilliant director.Smile

Smile Janine is director - that´s really brillant I think Tongue Thumb upThumb upThumb up

29.06.2011, 20:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

klemi wrote:UFF, Gia, Mashiara, Kate and Simona...

Anyway this will be eyes open for me tonite...Even if one fails, three remain...I am also anxious about Simona. I have a strange feeling in my stomach. New hot model from tonite???

Do you imagine a nude duette made by Kate and Simona??? Half nude maybe??

29.06.2011, 18:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

UFF, Gia, Mashiara, Kate and Simona...

Anyway this will be eyes open for me tonite...Even if one fails, three remain...I am also anxious about Simona. I have a strange feeling in my stomach. New hot model from tonite???

29.06.2011, 12:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

tonight are scheduled only 6 modelsThumb up.....hopes like last shower show and i want janine-directorCool ..........oh my god but there is gia tonightHeart

29.06.2011, 11:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The QueenHeart together with the secret QueenHeartHeart and 3 soft modelsCry in the shower show. A mission impossible?Tongue Blessing or curse?Confused Anyhow an experiment.Cool
I am curious and we need a brilliant director.Smile

29.06.2011, 07:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

imthe1 wrote:
hanshel wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:A small update for today :

Mashiara and Sabrina will change their shifts today that means that we will see now Mashiara in todays Shower Show and Sabrina only in the "Box Show" at the Evening Smile

Ok Genaro thanks a lot for update - but please, I think now is enough with changes for todays shower !!!! Blush

Thats great news Mashiara for shower show with Kristina the rest maybe and maybe not.Simona Kate Gia Nicole with clothes on? Its a nite to catch up on previous shows Alliah Fanny Monika Gabi etc.

Maybe yes, the main thing is noting will change regarding Gia in this show Smile
Gentleman, have a nice show ! Thumb up

29.06.2011, 07:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Cindy will be the Model which is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

29.06.2011, 02:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hanshel wrote:
GenaroXP wrote:A small update for today :

Mashiara and Sabrina will change their shifts today that means that we will see now Mashiara in todays Shower Show and Sabrina only in the "Box Show" at the Evening Smile

Ok Genaro thanks a lot for update - but please, I think now is enough with changes for todays shower !!!! Blush

Thats great news Mashiara for shower show with Kristina the rest maybe and maybe not.Simona Kate Gia Nicole with clothes on? Its a nite to catch up on previous shows Alliah Fanny Monika Gabi etc.

29.06.2011, 00:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:A small update for today :

Mashiara and Sabrina will change their shifts today that means that we will see now Mashiara in todays Shower Show and Sabrina only in the "Box Show" at the Evening Smile

Ok Genaro thanks a lot for update - but please, I think now is enough with changes for todays shower !!!! Blush

29.06.2011, 00:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

A small update for today :

Mashiara and Sabrina will change their shifts today that means that we will see now Mashiara in todays Shower Show and Sabrina only in the "Box Show" at the Evening Smile