TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

Amateur models online
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28.06.2011, 22:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hans said: Karry is sick. Ju is a model and moderator.

28.06.2011, 06:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Kleopatra will be the Model who is in the studio in the time from 7 to 15 CET Smile.....wish her a very nice day Smile

27.06.2011, 21:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:Maybe it's summer time schedule.
Did they tweet Mashiara's show tonight?


Tonight at 22 CET > Mashiara's Show!

27.06.2011, 21:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

gotorodeo wrote :

well well Envy, zxcv
to your point 1 :

reducing the models number from 8 -6

- ETV has a wide range of viewers / callers who have a different taste of model , and to fulfill does tastes they need different types of model !!!!
my opinion :
8 different model is in my opinion a good number , less model would be realy quick boring if i see mainly the same faces /actors in a nightshow

to your point 2 :
you write :- Eliminating all the undesired models from that show …another positive step .

let me think a little bit , well here comes my quick answer :

- even does so described undesired models have fans who pay money to talk with their stars , and for does fans does models are not undesired models , cause all does people have a different taste of women !!!

to your point 3 :
never forget , some of ,, your ,, stars have a life after ETV with other plans for the future , some decide to retire some decide to come back , and some decide to quit with the nude showes , only they decide what they do or dont do , cause life goes one

well , I have explained my opinions and my views about the shower show , and the same as well you did , so let's leave it to the other relevant people to decide which one of us is at the right side .

So, thanks for sharing me in making this respectful and clean debate about the shower show will always be welcome .

27.06.2011, 21:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Maybe it's summer time schedule.
Did they tweet Mashiara's show tonight?

27.06.2011, 21:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hanshel wrote:Only 8 models scheduled in this week night shows ! Smile
May they have learned something ??? wooooooowww !!! Thumb up

Usually, we have 2 of the evening show present during the first part of the night show. In the current schedule, these two models are not specified.

27.06.2011, 21:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

zxcv wrote:I don't think that Simona will turn hot in that show or even the other cute soft model Nicole ..but I see it from another prospective :

- Reducing the models number in the shower from 8 to 6 …this would be a positive step forward .

- Eliminating all the undesired models from that show …another positive step .

- To bring the stars back to the show ...Sabrina , Kristina , Gia ....and the new star kate ....this would be the best steps ever .

So, Whether it's going to be soft or hot show…I will be satisfied , because ETV has finally decided to keep and regain the high quality of the best show it has ever produced .

well well Envy, zxcv
to your point 1 :

reducing the models number from 8 -6

- ETV has a wide range of viewers / callers who have a different taste of model , and to fulfill does tastes they need different types of model !!!!
my opinion :
8 different model is in my opinion a good number , less model would be realy quick boring if i see mainly the same faces /actors in a nightshow

to your point 2 :
you write :- Eliminating all the undesired models from that show …another positive step .

let me think a little bit , well here comes my quick answer :

- even does so described undesired models have fans who pay money to talk with their stars , and for does fans does models are not undesired models , cause all does people have a different taste of women !!!

to your point 3 :
never forget , some of ,, your ,, stars have a life after ETV with other plans for the future , some decide to retire some decide to come back , and some decide to quit with the nude showes , only they decide what they do or dont do , cause life goes one !!!

27.06.2011, 20:39

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
hanshel wrote:Only 8 models scheduled in this week night shows ! Smile
May they have learned something ??? wooooooowww !!! Thumb up

or maybe the sent schedule isn't complete.
my hint: have a look at alex post below and wait for the friday night schedule Smile

Just an update on number of models in night shows
0 & 1 Hrs-- 2-4 Hrs (Austrian Time)

Today- 7 -- 7
Tuesday - 8 -- 8
Wednesday- 6 -- 6
Thursday 8 -- 8
Friday- 10 -- 8
Saturday 8 -- 8

27.06.2011, 20:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I think the problem is sometimes the director never switches to the soft models when it's needed.
Eg last night Nicole kept opening her legs to show her panties, you could see this in the background, the time would have been right to give some confidence to Nicole and give some attention to her.
Some softies need a little prompting, Angelina is perfect at doing it.

27.06.2011, 20:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hanshel wrote:Only 8 models scheduled in this week night shows ! Smile
May they have learned something ??? wooooooowww !!! Thumb up

or maybe the sent schedule isn't complete.
my hint: have a look at alex post below and wait for the friday night schedule Smile

27.06.2011, 19:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

zxcv wrote:- Eliminating all the undesired models from that show …another positive step .

Unfortunately I fear that ETV will never take this step Cry
It seems to be against their philosophy Thumb down

27.06.2011, 19:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I don't think that Simona will turn hot in that show or even the other cute soft model Nicole ..but I see it from another prospective :

- Reducing the models number in the shower from 8 to 6 …this would be a positive step forward .

- Eliminating all the undesired models from that show …another positive step .

- To bring the stars back to the show ...Sabrina , Kristina , Gia ....and the new star kate ....this would be the best steps ever .

So, Whether it's going to be soft or hot show…I will be satisfied , because ETV has finally decided to keep and regain the high quality of the best show it has ever produced .

27.06.2011, 19:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Only 8 models scheduled in this week night shows ! Smile
May they have learned something ??? wooooooowww !!! Thumb up

27.06.2011, 18:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hans said today's evening show is a test for tomorrow's night show...
Sabrina is also tomorrow in the night show

27.06.2011, 17:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

chrispocz wrote:Did I read well below? Simona first show of the night on Wednesday?

Yes you read it right !! Simona will make her first Night Show since she have entered ETV before 5 1/2 month and that under the Shower Thumb up but she self had said on the phone a couple of weeks ago that she is not interested to be a part into a Night Show Confused but maybe ETV have finally managed it to persuade her to come into a Night Show after her good/hot "Beach Show" performences in the past.