TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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25.05.2011, 22:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Kate Show next monday night.
As she has said with her own voice in her promo: "as you haven't ever seen me before".

25.05.2011, 21:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

BIG SHOW SURPRISE AT FRIDAY! The greatest, grandest and most spectacular surprise ever ...and she has no idea!

Whenever ETV promises a surprise or in their superlative as stated above its usually the greatest flop ever ....

25.05.2011, 16:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

-Aria will replace Brona in tomorrows Evening Show Smile but Brona will have a shift tomorrow than she replaced Sabrina in their shift from 07:00-15:00 CET Smile

-Aria is removed from her nightshow at friday and will be replaced from Kristina Smile

23.05.2011, 21:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:Well tonight we have :
At Tonight's Show > Sabrina, Katte, Ammy, Aria, Kristina, Lin, Natasha, Penelope, Randa and Tia!

Tonight at 22 CET > Maraya Show!


Now unless someone is complete drunk or there is total chaos as its Maraya's show tonight but there are already 10 girls scheduled for tonight so is Maraya the 11th one ??


Oh yes and Connie is not mentioned .....

it's the schedule for the next saturday night show Big Grin

Thumb up well done etv Tongue

23.05.2011, 19:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well tonight we have :
At Tonight's Show > Sabrina, Katte, Ammy, Aria, Kristina, Lin, Natasha, Penelope, Randa and Tia!

Tonight at 22 CET > Maraya Show!

And tomorrow :

HOT BODY ART TOMORROW NIGHT! Starring Claudia, Aria, Lace, Angelina, Athina, Kleopatra, Nansi, Sabrina, Spirit and Tessa!

Now unless someone is complete drunk or there is total chaos as its Maraya's show tonight but there are already 10 girls scheduled for tonight so is Maraya the 11th one ??

The truth is that its really not important who is scheduled as in this level of censored shows anyone can appear ....

Oh yes and Connie is not mentioned .....

23.05.2011, 11:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:It seems that ETV has reduce their Daytime Shows from today and Wednesday from 6 to 4 Models :..

at the moment 5 models for the tuesday evening Confused

looks like someone in molvania is busy at the moment and we should wait until the schedule is (again) complete Smile

23.05.2011, 11:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

It seems that ETV has reduce their Daytime Shows from today and Wednesday from 6 to 4 Models :

-today are Brianna,Brona,Claudia & Lin in the Evening Show (Lin & Claudia would stay for the 3 extra hours in the Night) Simona is complete removed from todays schedule and Connie will start her working day now at 22:00 CET and will stay the whole night

-at Wednesday in the Evening Show are Kate,Cleopatra,Sabrina & Simona (Brianna & Claudia are removed from the schedule for that day)

-and as last how some guys has expected Susan is removed from her Nightshow at Tuesday and will be replaced from Angelina

20.05.2011, 23:29

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Models missing: Angie (left), Jacqueline, Kally (left), Karry, Lia, Nicole (left), Scarlet (left)
Models with just a few shifts: Carina, Mashiara, Randa, Ronnie, Simona, Susan, Tia

20.05.2011, 21:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Oh Tarl I think you know that this is not true Kate has passed her first complete Nightshow at 07/05/11 it was a Saturday and she was working in the Daytime Show but she had stay for the night for the full 6 hours then she had replaced Randa for that Show....I hope you remember Smile
..and next week it's similar..complete double shift, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 am!

What has ETV done to it's girls..??

2nd ds for Kate
2 ds for Evah, Lilian
ds for Brona
perhaps more..but I doesn't remember.

20.05.2011, 19:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:next thursday: the first complete night show for Kate

Oh Tarl I think you know that this is not true Kate has passed her first complete Nightshow at 07/05/11 it was a Saturday and she was working in the Daytime Show but she had stay for the night for the full 6 hours then she had replaced Randa for that Show....I hope you remember Smile

20.05.2011, 19:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Yasmine1 wrote:... I must admit i was more happier to hear something like Kate instead of the other two....

next thursday: the first complete night show for Kate

also complete night shows for Connie & Susan in the next week

and yes, the next weeks schedule is updated Smile

20.05.2011, 18:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well you made my day with these great news ... I must admit i was more happier to hear something like Kate instead of the other two....

20.05.2011, 18:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Aria & Lin will change their Nightshows from today with them from tomorrow that means that tonight we will see Aria instead of Lin and tomorrow we will see Lin instead Aria in the Night Smile

19.05.2011, 22:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Scarecrow show next monday night.

19.05.2011, 22:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:What I must see on my screen next monday Marayah´s Show Sad what we can expect from her in her first own show Confused

One thing sure...a lot of silicon CryCryCryCryCryCry
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