TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

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22.03.2011, 22:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Lia are signed up for Saturday Night and now already again she is removed from the same and would replaced by Sabrina.Angry

But we have luck we want to see her in the Afternoon shift(11.00-16.00 CET)at Thursday she would replace Kristina for that Show!!Smile

Sad Some people will have the luck to see this beautifull young woman than ....some others like me will miss it Sad


22.03.2011, 21:29

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I dont agree with the change of next Saturday night show .Lace, Lia Natasha instead of Amy, Mashiara, Scarlet
Expecially about the decision to put Lace, who yesterday night left the show.(nobody realized this?)
We expect for Saturday night will be the usual boring show

22.03.2011, 21:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:Sabrina & Spirit are removed from the schedule tonight they are replaced by Tessa,Lillian Angry and an additional girl with the name Natasha Big GrinBig Grin...

or they mixed on twitter the schedule for tonight with the schedule for tomorrow night
because the schedule on their website is the old one.

anyway: we'll know more in a few mins Smile

22.03.2011, 18:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

always more Lilian TV, i'm not a fan of Sabrina but Lilian and Tessa, well good night

22.03.2011, 18:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Sabrina & Spirit are removed from the schedule tonight they are replaced by Tessa,Lillian Angry and an additional girl with the name Natasha Big GrinBig Grin

That means that Spirit is actually removed from her only one show this week Sad but I have seen on the Screen of my TV that next week is "Spirit´s Show" hope she don´t miss them Tongue

Edit:Sorry guys for the wrong Information but it wasn´t my mistake about that Information in the Tweet on TwitterSad

22.03.2011, 11:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

What a shame,yesterday Afternoon they change the schedule and Lia are signed up for Saturday Night and now already again she is removed from the same and would replaced by Sabrina.Angry

But we have luck we want to see her in the Afternoon shift(11.00-16.00 CET)at Thursday she would replace Kristina for that Show!!Smile

22.03.2011, 01:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

OK , Tarl

Then it's allclear for everyone now !

21.03.2011, 22:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

schubert wrote:ETV change it here [hidden link - please register]

At the forum , we use mostly the schedule , made by Tarl_Cabot .
He gets information of ETV . As long as he gets no confirmation from ETV , OUR schedule in the forum stays the same !!!


please don't misunderstand.
we use the official etv schedule for the preview and we edit our schedule if changes happen.
sometimes are changes announced on the screen or on twitter and sometimes we get some information by PM.
the todays afternoon show was a good example for etv being right and our schedule was wrong because neither bellerophon nor outside nor I had the chance or time to watch etv and edit our schedule.

our schedule is no magic, just a combination of the official etv schedule and our corrections. Smile

21.03.2011, 22:41

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

YARACASAN wrote:why did they changed her schedule then?where is the mistake?

ETV change it here [hidden link - please register]

At the forum , we use mostly the schedule , made by Tarl_Cabot .
He gets information of ETV . As long as he gets no confirmation from ETV , OUR schedule in the forum stays the same !!!


21.03.2011, 22:04

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

limacchio wrote:Happy day today, 16 HOURS OF LILIAN, thanks ETV, ...

1. sunday 22:00 till monday 16:00 = 18 hours (1 day = 24 hours, 0.5 day = 12 hours, shouldn't be new for you) Smile
2. our schedule wasn't corrected. Lilian was "just" 13 hours on the screen.

21.03.2011, 21:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

why did they changed her schedule then?where is the mistake?

21.03.2011, 19:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The whole "Magical Triade" (Amy Mashiara,Scarlet) are removed from the schedule at Saturday Night and they are would be replaced by Lace, Natasha Big Grin and of course from the amazing Lia Big GrinBig Grin

21.03.2011, 19:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

YARACASAN wrote:how?she's still on the schedule right now

Read our schedule !! Still not changed . So ....?

Here [hidden link - please register]

21.03.2011, 19:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

how?she's still on the schedule right now

21.03.2011, 19:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Sabrina replaced Brona on Thursday nightshow([hidden link - please register]).Cry