TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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14.02.2011, 22:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

is not possible..............................
only the same models in the evening show...............

i would like to do in the evening other models.....brianna... nancy...

is not like it?

14.02.2011, 11:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

voncall wrote:In some night shift of this week are scheduled 8 or 9 model and ... doesn.t take care that the callers want to see the models with whom are talking

I fear that they will take too much care and we will see on friday and saturday night all models like in a wild ride in a carrousel.
So we will see every model for a few seconds or we will see all models in total for a long time.
Sorry but 9 models at the same time on the screen doesn't sound like a pleasure for the viewers.

14.02.2011, 11:25

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

In some night shift of this week are scheduled 8 or 9 model and I foresee in this case models will have only few seconds of framing,
Who remember time ago when only 3/4 model were on the screen and the callers, during phone call, have the possibility to see the
model with whom they are talking for a long time.
Probably etv staff thinking more girls more phone call and doesn.t take care that the callers want to see the models with whom are talking
If this is the policy of etv, I disagree

13.02.2011, 23:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

samakkary wrote:
Ruud47 wrote:
maurois wrote:It´s chaos...Gia in the day show...Spirit not is in the night show and now...Lia is on the hour after the night show is beginning...Eurotic tv must to be more carefull with this things; it´s not is serious....Sometimes it´s like a amateur things....chaosThumb downThumb downThumb down

The schedule is even more unpredictable than the weather forecast. I don't think this will ever change.

No, my friend, we can trust the weather more than their schedule. Tongue

That's exactly what I meant, perhaps I said it wrong.

13.02.2011, 23:24

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Ruud47 wrote:
maurois wrote:It´s chaos...Gia in the day show...Spirit not is in the night show and now...Lia is on the hour after the night show is beginning...Eurotic tv must to be more carefull with this things; it´s not is serious....Sometimes it´s like a amateur things....chaosThumb downThumb downThumb down

The schedule is even more unpredictable than the weather forecast. I don't think this will ever change.

No, my friend, we can trust the weather more than their schedule. Tongue

13.02.2011, 23:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

maurois wrote:It´s chaos...Gia in the day show...Spirit not is in the night show and now...Lia is on the hour after the night show is beginning...Eurotic tv must to be more carefull with this things; it´s not is serious....Sometimes it´s like a amateur things....chaosThumb downThumb downThumb down

The schedule is even more unpredictable than the weather forecast. I don't think this will ever change.

13.02.2011, 23:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

It´s chaos...Gia in the day show...Spirit not is in the night show and now...Lia is on the hour after the night show is beginning...Eurotic tv must to be more carefull with this things; it´s not is serious....Sometimes it´s like a amateur things....chaosThumb downThumb downThumb down

13.02.2011, 16:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

The schedule is not totally correspond to what we see today. Even on the ETV website is not updated Sad
Brianna even appear in the show in the morning. And as we know it was not her Sad
Although now a pleasant surprise Smile

13.02.2011, 10:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hubsonek wrote:ETV forgot to place Claudia in their tv guide LOL

EDIT: sry... Claudia wasn't planed for today :/

the curious thing is that she wasn't on the schedule but on the twitter preview.
etv as we love it. Smile

13.02.2011, 00:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hubsonek wrote:ETV forgot to place Claudia in their tv guide LOL

EDIT: sry... Claudia wasn't planed for today :/

in the basis ,they forgot that they have a schedule. so, don't be surprised if forgat some names on the schedule, this is a trifle compared with other things.

12.02.2011, 22:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

ETV forgot to place Claudia in their tv guide LOL

EDIT: sry... Claudia wasn't planed for today :/

12.02.2011, 20:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tomorrow night, 7 girls: athina, lin, marayah Cry, janeen, claudia, jacklin and spirit

12.02.2011, 18:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Today Claudia In The Nightshow At The Place From Spirit.Thumb up

12.02.2011, 16:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

JuFan wrote:Evah in studio right now. (instead of Brona)

but just as a temporary replacement until Brona appears.
nice explanation by Evah "I'm a friend of Brona and I'm helping if it's possible." Smile

11.02.2011, 22:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Scarlet in place of Sabrina
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