Shows recently and today Christmas Day 25/12/08

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25.12.2008, 12:37

Shows recently and today Christmas Day 25/12/08

Unfortunately my predictions were right and it looks as if the shows are worse day after day most of the remaining staff is unattractive and boring Nikita and Sabrina sorry to say are no longer appealing and even annoying !!! It appears that all burden today is left to Sugar - always motivated and doing a good job - (I dont know if soemone remembers how shay she was when she arrived and the other girls helped her out - no chnace today) - Carmen , Elsa , Innes and  Angélique thats it ... Masiara can be nice but is not alllowed to do much and then maybe you have a few more but completely boring as they are doing the same like Cleopatra and Gia (whom I like but OK she has no more rabbits to offer) I just hope Mona will dare a bit more like 2 days ago with her sacrlet dress but apparetly she felts to expossed so she didn't do much . Today is one of the saddest shows ever no mood, boring no decoration nothing .... Bona and Eva can also go as they offer nothing to the show that same for Clieo .

In the past weeks also Athina and Patricia have faded away and Vivian was boring from the begining .... So what are we lefte with ??

Kiara, Elisa, Mimosa, Etti ,Jessy Lace (can give a good show if she has a partner unfortunately she is not allowed to do her crazy stafff)

25.12.2008, 22:37

Re: Shows recently and today Christmas Day 25/12/08

With all the respect to you Marcus I believe we disagree for the first time here...Why??? Because it simply cant be worse...Or maybe it can get even worse and at the end of 2009 there will be mimoza, etti and eliza top 3 on voting ??? OMG

25.12.2008, 22:16

Re: Shows recently and today Christmas Day 25/12/08

Why can´t they make some holiday and stop there shows for a week or two?

I think no one shoukd work on Christmas except he/she is a doctor or policeman.

Why can´t they show some recorded shows from the past and let the models have some rest and thenthey come back with new motivation. But i think everything is useless.

Nobody read our comments and at ETV nobody is interested to satisfy the viewers. The only wanna have the cash and money for sure.

I think everything get more worse next year as it would be better.



25.12.2008, 15:15

Re: Shows recently and today Christmas Day 25/12/08

It really is pathetic...They better dress some monkeys in Christmas dresses, it would be at least some fun. What is even worse I have some problems today with my internet connection so I will not be able to watch 2 spectacular games of nba. Does anyone have a hint for todays winners? Boston might give Lakers a lesson that they will remember.

25.12.2008, 13:03

Re: Shows recently and today Christmas Day 25/12/08

I have watched it half an hour today. There is no moderator speaking and they ignore all wishes. Let's hope in point x this night without scrunching an egg on the floor.

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