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Margo just said (and you can see it on your screen) that only sms about ETV and models will be on screen, so all sms about users chat (gay, shemales, fake women, a**holes who try to get some telephone charges) have been cleared by mod. Let's see if this is just a decision by Margo or by ETV management (mods like Gin, or Gene I don't know how it has to be written, have encouraged this kind of sms). By my side I agree 100% with Margo (uè paisà :))). |
Since some days no sms from Italy, some technical difficulties, Simone apologized. No sms, no mod needed. |
Max only on sundays, when Simone isn't no mod at all. "utilizzare un'eccessiva censura" is an expression that only an italian mother-tongue can use. |
New italian mod, I think named Max (lost his introduction, I was watching football), he sounds quite italian. Otherways, his italian is perfect (better than Ahat, I have to admit, but I think he's italian). EDIT: Italian with northern pronounce. |
So, only one italian mod, Simone, when he isn't available, no mod. Just few minutes ago I heard Kaleya's voice, is she just directing or has she mod tasks too? Some days ago they announced the famous "new deal" for sms from Italy maybe for half of january, but I think they can't without enough moderators. |
Gin hasn't left, as I wrongly supposed. Actually Gin has just said this 99% is his last day at ETV, he worked today and yesterday I think because there is just Simone as italian mod (and tomorrow none). |
Aria was mod once or maximum twice. |
Aria ? |
Just switched TV on, no sms and no mod (actually Simone is the one and only italian mod, Ahat, Gin and Margo left). |
it would be good if people from uk could send sms to girls of |
Tha'ts nice for the Italian viewers ,but i think there are a lot of other people who would like to send a sms or a phone call to the studio (me for instance would like to send an sms from out of Belgium) but hey it's a good start for 2008 and the show and the girls .And maybe who knows the rest will follow (Belgium ,Netherlands ,Denmark France ....)It wiil do ETV good to get some sms from Italian viewers(more money -income girls get rewarded -payd) and the shows get even more better.Keep up the good thinkin' and ETV will the best there is !!! There's only one thing i must say do. Keep it proper guys if ou send a sms to the girls ,so the moderator wound get perplexed if he's gonna read it for television and for the adressed girl !!! |
Gin just said two facts: 1) Maybe after Christmas (in early 2008) there will be VIP SMS also for italian viewers (I think it will be much hard, because of mobile providers); 2) Ahat left, best wishes and luck for her, and a flower. -------------------@ |
Simone said ETV wanted to start with VIP SMS from Italy, but italian mobile companies (TIM, Vodafone, Wind, 3) denied to icrease SMS cost. Italian mod team (Simone, Gin, Ahat, Margo) also proposed to display sms from Italy on screen at ETV2 too. |
No mod today? |
I haven't heard anything about it, but it seems Margo said that in future SMS cost will be the same as telephone calls and as SMS from other countries. Margo confirmed, so let's expect news for the future. |