Photo Shows

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18.03.2012, 17:48

Re: Photo Shows

zorgaux wrote:
chrispocz wrote:
zorgaux wrote:No webcam for gold members, this is not professional. Angry

Perhaps either of girls does not want camera behind the curtain... Big Grin

Yes, because some pictures are very hot, believe me. Tongue

I know Cool
However, this is no reason not camera behind the curtain

18.03.2012, 17:39

Re: Photo Shows

zorgaux wrote:No webcam for gold members, this is not professional. Angry

Perhaps either of girls does not want camera behind the curtain... Big Grin

05.03.2012, 15:52

Re: Photo Shows

Further continuation the photo session shows was dependent on the interest. Looking at what has happened yesterday is probably hope for the next show Smile

05.03.2012, 15:25

Re: Photo Shows

I agree with you Mr. Niceguy.


Mr_Niceguy wrote:the requests for pics have gone way up now that Mashi and Scarlet are the photographers. Big Grin

The number of unfullfilled photo requests too... But of course, this is neither Mashiara's nor Scarlet's mistake. Mods were just not ready to deal with so many requests...

05.03.2012, 14:58

Re: Photo Shows

I have the impression the requests for pics have gone way up now that Mashi and Scarlet are the photographers. Big Grin

Ofcourse most requests were also on pics for them, so a double job Confused

Clearly they both were tired at the end of both shows.

Being a goldmember I can say it is a real pleasure to see them at work in both roles. Thumb up

29.02.2012, 21:12

Re: Photo Shows

egoich wrote:Is it possible to get information if a photo session show comes next time? Or send, who want a photo show, an e-mail so they have a knowledge that people want this!!

Sry for my bad englishThumb down, but i hope you know what i mean?

So if you like write e-mails to (i hope it is correct) and look what happen

Have a nice dayBlush

sir, please see

[hidden link - please register]


29.02.2012, 21:04

Re: Photo Shows

Is it possible to get information if a photo session show comes next time? Or send, who want a photo show, an e-mail so they have a knowledge that people want this!!

Sry for my bad englishThumb down, but i hope you know what i mean?

So if you like write e-mails to (i hope it is correct) and look what happen

Have a nice dayBlush

26.02.2012, 11:42

Re: Photo Shows

zorgaux wrote:
brudgon wrote:
zorgaux wrote:Good news. The return of Photo Shows, Saturday afternoon from 16 to 22 hours. Smile

With: Adara, Caprica, Izabella, Mashiara, Scarlet, Susy and Tiara.
....and hopes roshana nexts showsTongueBig Grin

Unfortunately, I believe that there will be no photo shows next week. Maybe a surprise, but nothing in the schedule for now. Confused

The Modi said next Sunday afternoon. they are not sure whether this will be the last show, but can well be.


22.02.2012, 22:21

Re: Photo Shows

zorgaux wrote:Good news. The return of Photo Shows, Saturday afternoon from 16 to 22 hours. Smile

With: Adara, Caprica, Izabella, Mashiara, Scarlet, Susy and Tiara.
....and hopes roshana nexts showsTongueBig Grin

30.11.2011, 18:16

Re: Photo Shows

nail wrote:When comes the next photo-show?


30.11.2011, 17:02

Re: Photo Shows

When comes the next photo-show?

30.11.2011, 17:01

Re: Photo Shows

chrispocz wrote:For some time break of Thursday ,photos shows'

no photo show ? darn Sad

i liked that very much


30.11.2011, 14:52

Re: Photo Shows

For some time break of Thursday ,photos shows'

20.10.2011, 22:15

Re: Photo Shows

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Yasmine1 wrote:
chrispocz wrote:Well. I must admit that the photo session show. It's a good way to be able to see some more of the body (much more) soft models Thumb up Behind the curtain as if they felt more confident and braver Tongue

Or it strength the idea some members have here (me included) that this is only ETV's decision and will .... Although its a bit different to be exposed on TV I am sure that a woman/man who has no intention exposing him/her self publicly will avoid showing anything more behind a curtain ....
I am sure gold members will not upload these pictures as long as they are members of ETV but no one guarantees that this pact will remain if one will stop being a member - I am sure that no one has signed a NDA

the pics aren't made for the ETV Goldies but for the one who sent a VIP.

Tanks Tarl for your explanation so I rest my case ....

20.10.2011, 22:12

Re: Photo Shows

Yasmine1 wrote:I am sure gold members will not upload these pictures as long as they are members of ETV but no one guarantees that this pact will remain if one will stop being a member - I am sure that no one has signed a NDA

They come with a copyright declaration:

eUrotic TV is the sole owner of the copyrights to the digital
photographs included in this e-mail.
The photographs may not be copied or redistributed without prior
permission by eUroticTV,
including but not limited to publishing in electronic forums, social
networks, blogs, personal or company websites.
Commercial use or redistribution of the photographs is strictly
Eurotic TV reserves the right to legally pursue compensation for any
damages or illegal use of these photographs.
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