* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

1.33 (3 rating(s))

(1.33 / 5, 3 ratings)

Author Posts

23.10.2008, 13:12

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Is Eurotic encoded now? I've found this message on my black screen...

23.10.2008, 13:00

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Our screens will burst into life around 20-00 tonight with a new show and new directors with models who show everything and the world will be a happy place to live again. Be patient folks.

23.10.2008, 12:58

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I don`t think they are playing jokes. That kind of jokes are wasted money. But they need a lot of time to solve the technical problems. Has someone tried to call a model for new informations or is the phoneline also dead.

23.10.2008, 12:58

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Maybe they try out if people still call and send sms? Loooool

23.10.2008, 12:48

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Another channel will come along soon and guess what that will be. And we didn"t even get to see the birthday cake HA HA. Relax folks they are playing games with the viewers because of all the closure stories written recently.

23.10.2008, 12:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

As Fank Sinatra once sang---And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain. HA HA YES they did it their way . Goodbye Eurotic it has been fun.

23.10.2008, 12:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

A black screen. Probably they have planed a gothic birthday party today. But sadly there is no music in the background.

23.10.2008, 12:26

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

The first surprise of the day.

Black screen on Astra.
Black screen on Hotbird
Black screen on E2
No web feed

Looks like someone forgot to top up the power meter.

23.10.2008, 12:26

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Looks like we wont be seeing anything tonight. Am I the only one with a blank screen at the moment ? 11-30 u/k time

23.10.2008, 12:24

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Happy birthday, Smurfs!

Their 50th anniversary is celebrated today.

23.10.2008, 12:09

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

My Pc and my Tv are not in the same room. I have only heard the words Kaleya and 20:00 a clock. I hope it will happen and in the evening I will break to watch football of my hometown club because I`m very curious now.

23.10.2008, 11:46

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

If Hans did announce a great surprise and the ultra softies are in the studio in the evening it might be a great nylon and feet show party. I don`t believe in his surprises. But now I have heard that Kaleya is back in the evening and I`m really positiv surprised. That`s really Partytime.

23.10.2008, 11:37

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Good Post ghostwriter :-),

i hope the surprises are strips from the ultra or soft models to full nuditiy .... :-)

I know it is only a dream but nobody knows ;-)



23.10.2008, 11:24

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Jaya ?????? O_O

ok ok i was only dreaming.. sorry hehe OOpppsss ^_^


22.10.2008, 13:14

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Very nice brunette Kim, she changed her hair color as her friend Angie.