* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

1.33 (3 rating(s))

(1.33 / 5, 3 ratings)

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27.08.2008, 16:16

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@to all

Exccuse me guys and girls, but i mentionend that the same viewers who critize ETV, now critize RL.

My question: Has someone of you other hobbies or something else?

I can speak for myself i do something other things :-) And i can talk for myself that i now like ETV more than RL because the show is simply the same as RL but ETV has more models, better picture qualitiy and runs the whole day.

Because i have to sleep at night and can´t watch RL. This is it for me.

And i don´t have the must to watch RL because i am not in love with any models there :-)))

So viewers take care and watch what you want but if someone will answer it is nice to discuss -.)


27.08.2008, 14:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

can you please stop your daily Gia-bashing guys, she has feelings too. :-(

27.08.2008, 14:41

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi Bellerophone

Thanks for the advice-I might just try and move my dish. And it was me who suggested a model slap Gia when she gets too close. As yet it has not happened but I hope I have my recorder going if it does ha ha

27.08.2008, 09:08

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


 sorry the video you are trying to view is for regiserd members... you have to log in first then you can view it... sort of defeats the purpose of a direct link...

26.08.2008, 21:39

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

The camera work on the shows for the last few days (and tonight ) has been terrible. Having worked in a studio myself I can pass on their mistakes. There is too much movement--it makes the viewers dizzy. Too many shots out of focus and not holding focus once on the model. Why oh why do they insist on putting the main subject or tits or open legs down at the bottom of the screen hidden by the SMS messages. Surely the camera viewfinder screen has a giude frame on it to show the camera operator what he is framed up on ? A good example of this was today with Aria and her big boobs-- nearly every topless shot of her ended up showing her face with her tits covered with writing while at the top of the sreen was plenty space. And lastly-- can they fit bigger light shades to the lenses. A lot of picture quality is lost by lights in front and above of the camera casting a white haze over the screen. Surely after all this time they could get it right. But it seems anyone is using the cameras these days-- Sabrina even had a go earlier Bunch of amateurs through and through

26.08.2008, 16:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Re Bellerophon

Put me on the charity contribution list as well if Brona goes topless. I"ve said before that to me she could be the new Sabrina. Two of them together would be an even better show. And another point---Arias breasts are getting bigger by the day. I wish she would pose in just pants as a pregnant womans body can be so sexy. Some big film stars have posed for pregnant photos so I think Aria should join them

25.08.2008, 23:00

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Looks like the camera operators have left with Venera. Just checked out tonights show and they are all huddled round one camera with no zoom or movement. Can things get any worse ???? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

25.08.2008, 22:07

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Since last week the famous hollywood actor Matt Damon has a baby girl and her name is ..... GIA ,maybe she will also be a nice looking girl like Etv's Gia ! He choose a nice name (but i would have named the baby girl after my favorit one ofcourse :) )

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

25.08.2008, 17:20

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Its no wonder that models are leaving. This mornings show only had Jessy ? as the only model willing to show her tits. All the other softies just sat back and did nothing except pass their headset to Jessy every time they got a request which they would not do for the caller. It was so unfair on Jessy doing all the work for the non models. I can see why Alexa and Malena have gone soft as well. The format of the shows are a disaster. At the weekend they had most of the hot models on during the day which left mostly soft models at night-stupid stupid stupid.If hot models keep leaving at this rate then it wont be worth watching this channel. I can go down to my local shopping mall and see girls just as pretty sitting around doing nothing as well.Make ETV2 the soft channel and keep ETV1 hot

25.08.2008, 01:28

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Already I said it some time ago the models are not machines and need rest, if this great director called Hans thinks the opposite and exploits the models until they say stop, He meets with models demotivated and tired it is Alexa's case that she does in two days 19 hours of show, what wants this rabble? that the models are dancing, smiling and with good face 24 hours of the day?

Hans and the whole people of behind of the cameras are a disaster as the directors and now they are seeing the results of their management at the head of the channel

25.08.2008, 00:37

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Suddenly Zita appeared at 12:30 pm. Does etv have an erotic emergency call: " Hey Zita, please come to the studio, subito, we have too less callers"???!!

Strang, very strange.looooool

25.08.2008, 00:13

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Disaster show

only 4 girls...demotivated, bored and tired

The only thing is Giulia voice, italian and very hot

but it's only a voice.

and this should be an erotic channel?

24.08.2008, 23:54

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Gia is so fake these days. She has started pretending to roll her nipple between her fingers on tonights show. Funny place to have a nipple Gia--outside her bra !!! Its a pity she wasn"t leaving as well as Venera. The other models wouldn"t get mauled any more and she wouldn"t be in front of the camera blocking out the other models Selfish little brat---its all me me me with gia. She wants everybody to show their tits but not her. I wish one of the models would slap her hard when she starts to paw and maul them. Malena and Alexa should go as well as they are making no contribution to any shows anymore. NO SHOW___JUST GO

17.08.2008, 11:40

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

wish i knew about Etv long time ago was searching for something special and smart like that but it is ok so far ; - )

17.08.2008, 02:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

just spent 20 mins or so watching etv. sumthing i dont get is that the moddels are asked to get nekid and they do, but when they turn to cam they cut to a fully dressed or more dressed model, so the nekid model ends up giving the camera man an eyefull rather than the viewer whos paying for the call... seems a strange way to do biusness.

i know they have improved there content recently but it sort of defeats the purpose of the models getting nekid if they cant/wont show it.

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