* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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05.06.2008, 00:55

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I have just arrived home from having a few drinks .

Can someone tell me what is going on at Eurotic

Were getting guys who dont take their clothes off now.

I think I should be a monk and let this whole messed up world of Eurotic do their own thing


05.06.2008, 00:03

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

al - qatari   >>>>>>>>rockabye, you´re right, but some people here think it´s easier to insult. and my question is: how can anyone insult people he doesn´t know? there´s nothing to say if someone´s polite, with some kind of distance it´s okay, but insults towards other people are very childish. <<<<<< 

It really seems that you didn't understood what ETV is !!!!  ( should not be a personal attack )

We talk here about a TV show with actors who play their role. That is their job and she have a nickname. Nobody knows her in private, nobody use their real names. We insult their rolle they play on TV. That have nothing to do with that what I would think about the private girl in her private time !!!  Are you fall in love with model from there and think too private about all ?  Guy switch off your private thoughts because all you do and talk with the models isn't private !!!

Every year there is the golden raspberry award for the worst actor. Everyone can say who was the worst actor for him/her in the last year. So why it should not posible here to say who is the worst ETV model ?  Both have nothing to do with the private woman / man behind the actor ! Think about that please

04.06.2008, 22:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hello to all of you guys, and maybe some girls. Recently I lost all my energy to write here. I only read mayority of what you write about here. But today I will just write what I feel switching on etv just for a few minutes. Daytime shows are getting better and better, I have to admit that. So, some nice words from me....But what I see in the evenings, well I just have one word: disgusting. Can please someone take that idiot with a wig from the stage??? And also which idiot is selecting these girls and this stupid concept for the actually hottest part of the show??? Okey Desita must be a sweet exception! And by the way does anyone share my opinion that one of the new models looks like transsexual? I am going to skip a few days and see what will happen here. By the way, I miss AURORA!!!

04.06.2008, 18:58

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

rockabye, you´re right, but some people here think it´s easier to insult. and my question is: how can anyone insult people he doesn´t know?  there´s nothing to say if someone´s polite, with some kind of distance it´s okay, but insults towards other people are very childish.


al-qatari (the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

04.06.2008, 18:58

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Is it just me or is Eurotic getting better ?

The last few days have produced some very sexy moments-maybe I will start to phone in again.

Its nice to see some models getting more daring  KEEP IT UP GIRLS

04.06.2008, 18:53

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

If Paula keeps doing strips like she has been doing today she is going to become my number one model at Eurotic-what a body

04.06.2008, 18:43

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<<  if you want to be respected, show respect to other people.>>>

well I don't care if I'm respected by Gia, the gay arabian mod or any other model :D

it's important to me that people like my parents, sister, girlfriend and closest friends respect me but that's it.

and for me respect has to be earned and how can a model who I've never talked with earn that? :D

some of you really take this whole stuff too serious. ETV is a place to have fun with the girls. call them, talk about something or tell them what to do and have by yourself, but please please please don't let all this get to close to you...

04.06.2008, 18:00

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

exactly, but it´s the same for everyone who insults other people (models/users) without knowing them. if you want to be respected, show respect to other people.



(the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

04.06.2008, 15:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

You don't know him so how could you decide if you respect him or not?

Or do you never respect gays?

What's up with lesbians? Do you respect them? I'm sure you always like to see a hot lesbian show at ETV...

04.06.2008, 14:49

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

hey mustafa3

Respect for Eskander??????? That's very strange. Why should someone respect Eskander a gay arabian Moderator that he called Alex?????

I hope someone fire this guy

04.06.2008, 11:53

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

yeah, such a blocker for that word would be great :)))

I just wonder why nobody have respect for Eskander ?  You don't know if there a many girls and gays who want to watch him and call him.

You all say that such a guy don't belong on this channel. In my eyes a girl who don't show her body also don't belong in a erotic channel too. Same with the masked one. She don't want do show her identity. That means that she don't stand behind that what sie sie doing. Then I ask me why she work there ?

04.06.2008, 01:00

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi Rockabye

I dont mean hot shows that are porno. I just get annoyed at the amount of models who refuse to even show a breast. What were they told when they had an interview

They must have been told it was a chat show.

Rockabye I enjoy some of the shows and have watched and phoned in for a few years now so things at Eurotic for me are not all bad. I just wish they would not employ softer than soft models -thats  all  Goodnight Rockabye  I am gonna be late for work in the morning . Thanks for your comments

04.06.2008, 00:53

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

glassy, there are a lot of guys who call and just wanna talk with the girls...

and I ask you again: why don't you switch to RL if you wanna see hotter shows?

04.06.2008, 00:50

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi Rockabye

I thought that was the whole point of working at Eurotic  D

Do they expect just to sit there and pass the time talking about the weather to guys.

The whole point of this channel (rip off ) it make money by doing sexy dances for callers


04.06.2008, 00:46

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Im off to bed now but have left my recorder running just incase  a model finally makes a viewers wishes come true and gives us a hot show. ( I doubt it ) I stopped phonig months ago

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