Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

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27.02.2016, 17:07

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

The ETV-staff seems to suffer from Alzheimer's desease. They forgot what "classic night show" was like.

27.02.2016, 09:07

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:today i can say i am hopeless about etv future.The alternative, after the destruction of the night show, is only the exclusives, and there you can find week after week same mistakes which are moving the viewers away. The "seduction club" is one of the worst series of shows ever. See the poor lighting + the distant cams for umpteenth time:

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Last wednesday they did the "dark to light" show with the same white background studio and very good light where they did the friday free for wish shows, and it was great. Unfortunately that shows are the rare exception, and ETV prefers the dark ambients and the black background which are so good for the usual crap, censored and soft productions they like to do. It seems they are unable to do a good thing two times in a row.

i cannot find any Erotic lady in these shows. The new ladies are so sad, they don't make me horny at all.

27.02.2016, 04:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Someone was right when he said that the times are upon us when we will have to pay just to watch a model go topless. It happened in the Seduction Club, Mikeila was asked to do it. And that Dakota stayed fully clothed most of the night show is a disgrace. There is nothing erotic on ETV these days. Maybe that was the goal when they changed the name from Eurotic to ETVshow.

27.02.2016, 00:28

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Please, stop saying bullshit.
If they need to "experiment" after more than 10 years to see if it is profitable, then the channel is in the hands of a madman.
Obviously they have no need to experience, these pegs are only for those four chickens that still believe.
Down from the trees, monkeys.

27.02.2016, 00:24

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

today i can say i am hopeless about etv future.The alternative, after the destruction of the night show, is only the exclusives, and there you can find week after week same mistakes which are moving the viewers away. The "seduction club" is one of the worst series of shows ever. See the poor lighting + the distant cams for umpteenth time:

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Last wednesday they did the "dark to light" show with the same white background studio and very good light where they did the friday free for wish shows, and it was great. Unfortunately that shows are the rare exception, and ETV prefers the dark ambients and the black background which are so good for the usual crap, censored and soft productions they like to do. It seems they are unable to do a good thing two times in a row.

26.02.2016, 19:35

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

What are you talking about?
The last night show was not at all an "Old Classic Show" ! Stop! Ende!

If it was like a Scarlet Fever, Wednesday shower show, Office show, with the same environment, same camera work, maybe you could have called it "classic Show".
But it wasn't!
And it wasn't becouse Ivo Palmov didn't want it to be an "Old Classic Show"!

Have you realized the meaning of the "interesting experiment"?. The experiment was the broadcasting of an irrittating show that could justified stupid comments like "we gave you what many of you asked for, but all of you refused. So why we have to deny WK a week full of peep shows if you do not accept our present?"

I'm surprised how Ivo Palmov is so naive to belive that nobody could see his real strategy.

It IsI Over. Better they shut down the SAT
I'm curious to see where they go only with the WEB

26.02.2016, 18:36

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Wilsonsand wrote:This request was not fullfiled and there are words about the nudity retrictions...

They (Ju) said it from the outset of the show - nudity yes, close-ups no. BTW, the same team is now on with the Full Moon Party and they already declined a wish, a kissing show between Izzy and Yoko. Even in these times when they haven't got many VIPs it seems they want to project power with "even now we can decline a wish, we are not desperate for your cash" attitude. And that tent for "exclusives" is embarasing.
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26.02.2016, 11:12

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

You should drop the boss by ETV.
And no TV for Internet play.
So everyone loses!

26.02.2016, 10:52

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

GeorgeSK wrote:Well - the classic night show is back - sort of. Roshana did a full strip - but turned sideways while taking off her panties, so still no full nudity allowed on TV. And not enough messages - message cycling is still on.

So the hopes of those who wanted to see a rebirth of the TV night shows are crushed.

What did you expected? Its clear the etv boss pushes the ex shows and not the free tv.

26.02.2016, 06:46

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Well, before going to bed i had a moral question about supporting or not the show. I didn´t want because it was deliberate too soft and the camera work was mostly crap, but in the other hand i wanted to support the format, which clearly needs big improvements, so finally i sent one vip sms to ETV. It was a something like "i like this kind of show and i would like to support it, this is the kind of show why i started to love ETV, so keep it up." and a request (this was the less important thing) for a full strip and so on, sending compliments to the models. The message was sent, but i see the message was not displayed on the show and i have the 4 credits. It means ETV team decided the message was not good for them and they refused it. I don´t know what is wrong in saying "i want to support this kind of show" with good words and even compliments, but it´s clear ETV didnt like my message. This means to me very clearly what i think about this show from the beginning: they don´t want to do it and they don´t want support for it, they want it to fail, and i fear they will say the experiment was not good enough, not enough sms and calls, the models were free to do whatever they wanted because there was no director, bla bla bla,,,

My request was very simple and the message really positive but they didn´t accept it. It´s quite strange to me why they accept then one like this they displayed many times on the screen:

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This request was not fullfiled and there are words about the nudity retrictions...

26.02.2016, 04:09

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:they are now clothed again but now Roshana is naked and doing an oil show.

Grabbing a screengrab only shows the show at that one moment and doesn't always reflect the whole night fairly

Right so I shall agree with Kenny and also disagree. You are quite right in that its all too easy and to be selective and just grab a screenshot in the boring bits, every show no matter how good will still manage to include a few dull moments in it.

kennyboy2012 wrote:but its your show, not mine Smile

100% disagree with you on this point, you still fail to acknowledge that the success of this show wasn't built on exclusives as this is a relatively new thing, please show some respect towards the good old days if you would Cool

Lastly from my own point of view I thought tonight wasn't a classic show, it also wasn't the nightmare that I thought it could have been going by the first hour and a bit. It had a few highlights but it was far too much stop/start, it lacked fluency hence the reason it seemed more formulated than spontaneous which if Kenny bothered to look at the history was what the success was famously built on.

Marks out of 10 for tonight's show 4/10 - Much room for improvement Cool

26.02.2016, 02:56

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Roshana deserve a big compliment, you can see how she enjoys to fullfil the wisches of the viewers. I also like Zoe and Yoko, both have a positive motivation. ETV must change their concept of that exclusive shit... I don't believe, that someone who writes a message to tv. wants to see the girl in "exclusive" to watch it in internet.

exclusive should be an option for models like jade or isadora, who don't want to show nudity in nightshows. Exclusive could be also an oppurtunity for girls like Lauren, Jasmine or Yoko who like to kiss other gilrs and to be very sensual with them... maybe a soft lesbian porn clips of models would be great instead this artistic shit hehe

26.02.2016, 01:22

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:In fairness, we just had Tia, Kia, and Zoe all full nude doing the catwalk. Yes, they are now clothed again but now Roshana is naked and doing an oil show.

Grabbing a screengrab only shows the show at that one moment and doesn't always reflect the whole night fairly BUT I haven't watch the show all the way through so I wont make that call,

The cap was exactly what it was happening when i opened the reply for posting, don´t forget i alrady posted the full nudity caps before. The show has improved after the first really bad 90 minutes.Now it´s not so bad, but not good, and for sure not good enough for me. The Roshana oil show have been the only one showed from a good distance. the 3 gilrs made a catwalk, yes, but it was too brief and the camera work was really bad. Roshana made an upskirt show request in platform, and when she removed her panties and was naked, the camera was very far, and only 2/3 seconds after that was the right time to end the performance.

The shows are not good enough in my eyes (until now) but poor, so i don´t change my opinion: this is not an old classic tv show, only in part because there are no exclusives, but this show performances are too far of being something like "old classics". And for sure i won´t spend 4 credits if they are not willing to do the shows in the proper way i consider as a minimum. And i guess i am not the only one who think this way, so i guess this can be a reason to explain why there are no more sms, because what ETV does (or the way they do it) is under the people line of minimum expectations. And many people is tired, about to give up, or definitely gone, and i guess that people need something much better than this to get back.

Tomorrow i will see the recording to check if the level finally improved with better performances or not.

26.02.2016, 01:15

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

xmsx80 wrote:
jonas wrote:Is it only a singular show - or is it the beginning of better times at ETV like it was until the end of 2015?
Let`s hope and see...

Tia said in reply to a message where it was asked if there will be more classic shows that it will depend on the activity of the viewers.

they need better models make it with lauren saya jasmine can keep kia and new models with life maybe this is a bad night show when night shows were good

26.02.2016, 01:03

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

jonas wrote:Is it only a singular show - or is it the beginning of better times at ETV like it was until the end of 2015?
Let`s hope and see...

Tia said in reply to a message where it was asked if there will be more classic shows that it will depend on the activity of the viewers.
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