Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

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25.01.2016, 00:01

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

mic1205 wrote:And at the last day of ETV on Astra and all the other Portals they transmit there shows

they sit on the couch and look back to the best of the last 10 years.

And then they say goodby to all members!

..........oops ! i'm only dreaming BlushBlushBlush

Why goodbye?
The next 10 years ETV will sell out old videos from the best of the last 10 years
in their exclusive show for credits and earn good money without doing any work! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

24.01.2016, 23:41

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

And at the last day of ETV on Astra and all the other Portals they transmit there shows

they sit on the couch and look back to the best of the last 10 years.

And then they say goodby to all members!

..........oops ! i'm only dreaming BlushBlushBlush

24.01.2016, 23:38

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Rocky Horror Picture Show Cry

24.01.2016, 23:34

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Slowfox wrote:Looks like a family afternoon watching old videos. Isn't it stupid ?

This will not bring back any former viewers nor will intrigue any new.

yes, Trinity there is a complete meaningless, she is like a penguin in the middle of Shibuya, all this show it´s absolutely ridiculous.

24.01.2016, 23:31

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Slowfox wrote:Looks like a family afternoon watching old videos. Isn't it stupid ?

This will not bring back any former viewers nor will intrigue any new.

I've got the premium feed so I see the pics and videos that the free stream isn't showing


The whole idea of this show is, errrr I haven't got a clue. self indulgent reminiscing ? trying to offer for those that want the old days?

I have no idea, I can't see any reason for this particular show, who it would appeal to, or what purpose it has.

surely this cant last 4 hrs ? I've bailed out already, I'll pop back in to see if they are still all talking , later.

24.01.2016, 23:20

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Looks like a family afternoon watching old videos. Isn't it stupid ?

This will not bring back any former viewers nor will intrigue any new.

24.01.2016, 22:10

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:I agree with GeorgeSK, with the comments about Jasmine, she is just too over the top, when she's on the mic, she's all squeals and silly voice and she just talks so much. She is one of the main girls, and I used to like her but not any more, too much of her these days, and she takes overs the shows.
Izzy, on the other hand, is a new girl with a lovely body, full of energy, and as I watched the models showdown, I was so enjoying Dacota and Izzy's session, so much energy.
Izzy is lovely, puts in a lot of effort and has no ego, she's really damn good, and she's still a new girl!

as for andeaparma, how do you know what she's like unless you're watching her exclusives? and change the record about ETV collapsing, its boring.

I have to agree wit Kennyboy Izzy showed great potential and i am actually looking forward to see her in future shows. Thumb up

24.01.2016, 19:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

GeorgeSK wrote:
andreaparma wrote:Izzy is less than zero like any recent new comer. Etv has no money for proper models as that fucking channel's income is collapsing. Jasmine and sayqa come from another comparison

Izzy needs time, and she's got a nice body, incomparably nicer than Jasmine. Izzy is similar in build to Saiqa with her very nice bottom and cute small tits. I hate too big tits.

Jasmine is, in my humble opinion, overrated, probably because of her bubbly personality. She is more like a model for a Rubens painting with big tits and even bigger bottom. I don't like her at all. When she is on in one show with Lauren I usually don't watch because the two of them always hijack the show, not giving enough space to other models, as their fan base (or should I say viewers who are in love with them) is much larger than other model's combined.

I agree with GeorgeSK, with the comments about Jasmine, she is just too over the top, when she's on the mic, she's all squeals and silly voice and she just talks so much. She is one of the main girls, and I used to like her but not any more, too much of her these days, and she takes overs the shows.
Izzy, on the other hand, is a new girl with a lovely body, full of energy, and as I watched the models showdown, I was so enjoying Dacota and Izzy's session, so much energy.
Izzy is lovely, puts in a lot of effort and has no ego, she's really damn good, and she's still a new girl!

as for andeaparma, how do you know what she's like unless you're watching her exclusives? and change the record about ETV collapsing, its boring.

24.01.2016, 18:47

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

andreaparma wrote:Izzy is less than zero like any recent new comer. Etv has no money for proper models as that fucking channel's income is collapsing. Jasmine and sayqa come from another comparison

Izzy needs time, and she's got a nice body, incomparably nicer than Jasmine. Izzy is similar in build to Saiqa with her very nice bottom and cute small tits. I hate too big tits.

Jasmine is, in my humble opinion, overrated, probably because of her bubbly personality. She is more like a model for a Rubens painting with big tits and even bigger bottom. I don't like her at all. When she is on in one show with Lauren I usually don't watch because the two of them always hijack the show, not giving enough space to other models, as their fan base (or should I say viewers who are in love with them) is much larger than other model's combined.

24.01.2016, 18:31

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Izzy is less than zero like any recent new comer. Etv has no money for proper models as that fucking channel's income is collapsing. Jasmine and sayqa come from another comparison

24.01.2016, 16:18

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

tux.friend wrote:
GeorgeSK wrote:What an irony - the first "exclusive" show of the night with Leona - and the music is from Adele - Skyfall starting "this is the end, hold your breath and count to ten".

For me the best music they had played in the show was Dire Straits - Money for Nothing. Could be the new slogan for etv Cool

but the chick's aren't free

24.01.2016, 15:16

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Pirncemami wrote:
Slowfox wrote:...

I really wonder what this guy is thinking.

Speaking bad about a yet inexperienced model will certainly motivate her to do better next time. Or does he believe that Jasmine & Saiqa will love him even more for making bad a good colleague of them ? I doubt. To the contrary.

Unfo I cannot say whether Izzy was good or not, as have not seen the show, but in any case such insensitivity and impoliteness is inappropriate and rude.

The mistake from Etv. Why they show this crazy message ?! It is not funny it is not useful meesage. Who send messages should know the models are human !!

Thats bad from both the viewer to write/sent this and from etv to show this Sad

And it shows that etv destroys their reputation on every possible way Thumb down

Some month ago the gave out to not show such messages, but now I think they need every cent and they had a not well-functioning message handling system Thumb down The only thing that ever works is the paying system for messages Cry

24.01.2016, 12:39

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Slowfox wrote:[hidden image - please register]

I really wonder what this guy is thinking.

Speaking bad about a yet inexperienced model will certainly motivate her to do better next time. Or does he believe that Jasmine & Saiqa will love him even more for making bad a good colleague of them ? I doubt. To the contrary.

Unfo I cannot say whether Izzy was good or not, as have not seen the show, but in any case such insensitivity and impoliteness is inappropriate and rude.

The mistake from Etv. Why they show this crazy message ?! It is not funny it is not useful meesage. Who send messages should know the models are human !!

24.01.2016, 12:28

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

[hidden image - please register]

I really wonder what this guy is thinking.

Speaking bad about a yet inexperienced model will certainly motivate her to do better next time. Or does he believe that Jasmine & Saiqa will love him even more for making bad a good colleague of them ? I doubt. To the contrary.

Unfo I cannot say whether Izzy was good or not, as have not seen the show, but in any case such insensitivity and impoliteness is inappropriate and rude.

24.01.2016, 11:05

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

GeorgeSK wrote:What an irony - the first "exclusive" show of the night with Leona - and the music is from Adele - Skyfall starting "this is the end, hold your breath and count to ten".

For me the best music they had played in the show was Dire Straits - Money for Nothing. Could be the new slogan for etv Cool