Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

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04.06.2015, 21:27

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:I'm a but stumped. First, if you hate ETV so much, why do you keep posting and commenting?

second. well errr derr, the free show is errr free and if you want to see more, you have to pay a couple of quid.
OK, shock news! ETV is a business and they need to make money! Sorry, but giving everything away from free doesn't really work.
Do you go to work every day and do it for nothing? I didn't think so. So what's your issue with ETV offering something for free, and then if you like and want more, you pay a bit and you get it. Its not exactly a unique process. everyone does it!

OK, ETV's exclusive show nights are a bit hit or miss, but to be honest, if all you do is watch the free shows, ie you're paying fuck all, then you're taking the piss by complaining!

for the record, I'm from the UK, and I do get it. I actually watch the shows, so I can speak as a customer who has actual experience of the product, not like some tyre kicking troll.

ETV sometimes get it right, sometimes wrong, but since you don't pay, you'll never know, not that a lack of actual knowledge is a barrier to be a self declared expert.

but that's just my thoughts Smile

Have a nice day.

You very well hit the point. And your wording is much much better then mine could have ever been. Thumb up

Well, my native language is not english

Allow me to add though, that I am not really watching the shows nor I am investing in anything which I do neither support nor agree to. But then I do not complain about anything I cannot judge in lack of knowledge.

04.06.2015, 21:16

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Scottishbloke wrote:Firstly why are certain members still spamming the fuck out of cap and video Threads. One example of this is one member had the audacity to quote somebody elses entire cap and video set which 9 idiots then went on and thanked - Fuck me, I'll say no more!!!!!!

ETV show wise, it's nothing but an ongoing advert for exclusive, I had a look at the show the past few nights and the word fucking junk spring to mind. I really don't know why anybody would waste their money phoning this show. I also don't understand what the erotic theme was supposed to be last night. Maybe it's just me because I'm from the UK but I just didn't get it SadThumb down

I'm a bit stumped. First, if you hate ETV so much, why do you keep posting and commenting?

second. well errr derr, the free show is errr free and if you want to see more, you have to pay a couple of quid.
OK, shock news! ETV is a business and they need to make money! Sorry, but giving everything away from free doesn't really work.
Do you go to work every day and do it for nothing? I didn't think so. So what's your issue with ETV offering something for free, and then if you like and want more, you pay a bit and you get it. Its not exactly a unique process. everyone does it!

OK, ETV's exclusive show nights are a bit hit or miss, but to be honest, if all you do is watch the free shows, ie you're paying fuck all, then you're taking the piss by complaining!

for the record, I'm from the UK, and I do get it. I actually watch the shows, so I can speak as a customer who has actual experience of the product, not like some tyre kicking troll.

ETV sometimes get it right, sometimes wrong, but since you don't pay, you'll never know, not that a lack of actual knowledge is a barrier to be a self declared expert.

but that's just my thoughts Smile

Have a nice day.

04.06.2015, 20:29

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Firstly why are certain members still spamming the fuck out of cap and video Threads. One example of this is one member had the audacity to quote somebody elses entire cap and video set which 9 idiots then went on and thanked - Fuck me, I'll say no more!!!!!!

ETV show wise, it's nothing but an ongoing advert for exclusive, I had a look at the show the past few nights and the word fucking junk spring to mind. I really don't know why anybody would waste their money phoning this show. I also don't understand what the erotic theme was supposed to be last night. Maybe it's just me because I'm from the UK but I just didn't get it SadThumb down

04.06.2015, 18:12

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

15102004 wrote:ETV does exactly what their customers want, since they have people who still pays for this kind of shows, they have no reason to change something.
The criticisms are compensated by credits.

NO etv acts in the meantime like a thief. One thing is to except a sms and than only fullfill a smale part of the wish, that is not customer/viewer friendly. The other thing is, to delete a complete message and put in an etv conform content/praise (great show, super show, ...) and than get the credits from the customer for this etv staff writen message, that is in my eys a fraud.

04.06.2015, 13:13

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

15102004 wrote:ETV does exactly what their customers want, since they have people who still pays for this kind of shows, they have no reason to change something.
The criticisms are compensated by credits.
Well, somehow many of those who say they pay/have paid complain here ETV doesn't/ didn't do what they ask for Confused


04.06.2015, 12:38

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

ETV does exactly what their customers want, since they have people who still pays for this kind of shows, they have no reason to change something.
The criticisms are compensated by credits.

04.06.2015, 11:08

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I agree, Jasmine is trying everything for the show to be exciting but the cmera work is terible even in exclusive. Yesterday she tried to show much of her pu**y in exc. but the camerman was censoring all the time...! Why i dont know when she enjoys in this kind of performance and it is exc. show only... On some other show Jasmine would be terific and gold maker. I dont mind to pay if the show is worth paying...

04.06.2015, 02:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Its unbelievable! I have sent to screen:

it is an impertinence how you deal with the wish. a complete rip off. You will receive not one cent more. TV advertising on the day has more erotik to offer than this night show. met only jasmine. ...

on the screen was:

great show ...

All this short message are fakes and original sent as critism.

04.06.2015, 02:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

what a pity Jasmine is a model now, and when she finally found her way to enjoy offering hot shows ETV has closed the night shows basically to exclusives.Imagine how good she could be if she was there just a bit ago.

Actually all her efforts for making something erotic and watchable in the night show (and i would say she is the one trying it) are useless. Actually this kind of show are only useful to see the exclusives on the plasma if you are not willing to pay for them Confused

edited: one more thing: it seems Marla shows her boobs only in web shows (don´t know if it´s in her contract) but she is been showed topless in the plasma in the night tv show. Confusion and chaos reign in ETV world and i don´t know if its my imagination, but it seems to me the models are terribly bored with this format.

04.06.2015, 02:18

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

even though its Wednesday's show that's on at the moment Smile

04.06.2015, 01:03

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Thursday night shows are the same daytime shows. ....

02.06.2015, 23:14

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

lol I like the Guy2, but I think you missed my point, but that doesn't matter. We all have fun, discuss, disagree, agree. All is good with me, because we all have different views which are equally valid.
I say that those that watch and complain have the same validity to post as those that don't watch but still complain. I just don't see the point in complaining when you no longer use a product, unless you are wiling to give it another go if it were to get better again Smile

but of cause I still welcome all opinion, and respect all, because we all have politeness in our posts Smile

And to me, what is the worst thing about ETV, to my mind, it has great nights and crap nights. I believe its down to the crew, not the girls. Sunday was hot, Monday was not. its not consistent.
sometimes the bus is on time, sometimes it is late Smile

I almost thought the girls were getting annoyed as well last night. I just hope Wednesday is Sunday's crew, but there's no way to know until the show has started.
Strangely, its not just down to if the girls are allowed to show everything. Last night they did certainly do so, but the whole show was slow, disjointed and nit smooth like it was on Sunday.

Oh well, roll on Wednesday, fingers crossed Smile

02.06.2015, 21:09

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:Neither. but from what you two are saying, you seem to indicate that you don't watch the show yourselves? If this is the case, then how can you complain when you don't watch or pay?
I'm not saying you cant or shouldn't post, this is a free forum so we all have equal rights, but if you don't use the product, how can you justify complaining?

just to be clear, there are things to complain about, but I complain from personal experience.

separate to this, I always find it amusing when some on forums complain bitterly and then it turns out that they don't even watch. That's like complaining that the bus is late for work when you don't even take the bus anywaysSmile

i stopped paying etv since i opened my eyes and realized that etv doesnt deserves my money!
Free show or excl are the same boring shit, so why should i pay???

But i respect you and your thinking.

02.06.2015, 21:07

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

kennyboy2012 wrote:One thing I will say, especially as the pre-planned shows are back:

ETV made a point of effectively saying that they were bored with the same requests all the time.

This raises a few points for them to consider:

1.The request were from viewers that paid to make those request, aka customers, so telling customers that what they want is no longer good enough , is like biting the hand that feeds. We stop sending request, we'll save money, the girls will be bored and viewers will have nothing to watch,

2. So you thought it was easy to do pre-planned shows, but I see a bit of repetition already, in the shows themes! The classroom scene?
3. The pre-planned shows, on the whole, are pretty poor and have not been received that well, from comments on various forums.
4. Last night (Sunday 31st May) there were only three pre-planned shows, the rest were requests, and the night was so much better, its hard to compare!
5. Its OK to try new ideas , that's good, but if new ideas don't works, its wise to admit it, face up to it, or just go back to what it was, and then try another idea, To carry on with a bad idea is just not good.
6. Stick to music from known bands etc. Trying strange music (such as in Tia/The Ladder ) is just bizarre and painful to listen to.

Overall, listen to the paying viewers. and I don't mean the whinging sh*ts that watch the free show and then complain because they're asked to pay just 3 credits to see the exclusives. If they are that tight with money, then tough. No one can expect to see everything for free, its not charity work, its a business. If you don't want to pay, then you cant exoect to see what those that will pay, get to see!
Listen to those that send in requests, the regulars, the customers that come back for more.

Maybe even try doing a customer survey *shock* get actual input from those that spend the money. You know who they are, they are the ones that add credit to their accounts, when they add credit, you can send them a survey with a prize draw as an incentive, Get some real input from real customers, not just those that shout the loudest.

that's just my thoughts, as I sit here watching Tia in a pre-planned show. I don't blame Tia, she does the best she can, but you cant bake a cake with poor instructions, the ingredients are there (the girls), so let the viewers provide the instructions!
As I finish this, I've made a few requests, and so far, nothing, so it might be an early finish for me, and pray for Wednesday to be without pre-planned

ohh sorry I don't live in the etv univers and can't praise this kind of shows and I am not angry of my money, to pay for something I had some days befor for an VIP sms and there is nothing additional to pay for.

02.06.2015, 20:57

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Neither. but from what you two are saying, you seem to indicate that you don't watch the show yourselves? If this is the case, then how can you complain when you don't watch or pay?
I'm not saying you cant or shouldn't post, this is a free forum so we all have equal rights, but if you don't use the product, how can you justify complaining?

just to be clear, there are things to complain about, but I complain from personal experience.

separate to this, I always find it amusing when some on forums complain bitterly and then it turns out that they don't even watch. That's like complaining that the bus is late for work when you don't even take the bus anywaysSmile