Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

Author Posts

26.01.2015, 14:33

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

hannes20 wrote:Yesterday I was watching two shows on ETV. Here are my impressions:


Ohhh, I almost forgot to write about Lara. She was in the studio. I think that’s all you need to know about her ...Thumb down

Have a nice week, Hannes

Yes, she is physical in the studio. Most of the time you had no notice of her, she is still sitting in the background or is outsite. That is to less for a good show. Thumb down Other girl are also sometimes in the background. To watch tia in background is totally different, if you see her action Cool
I dont like her. Ok she had an goood body, but her voice, her manner and the way she is working with the other girls, That's not my taste. Sad

Have a nice week, too.

26.01.2015, 13:42

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

hannes20 wrote:Ohhh, I almost forgot to write about Lara. She was in the studio. I think that’s all you need to know about her ...Thumb down

i dont agree, ok she doesnt show her treasure but she's nice and always present in show; i like her! Maybe dressed as mistress with a whip in hand and all girls worshipping her beauty... hey etv staff, are you listening???

Big Grin

26.01.2015, 11:40

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Yesterday I was watching two shows on ETV. Here are my impressions:

ETV show from 12pm to 5 pm (Penelope, Jasmine, Tara, Saya)
To my own surprise it really was a entertaining afternoon show. All girls were in a good mood and did there best to fulfill the wishes of the viewers. In my opinion the girls would have deserved more VIP SMS. Sadly for them there were only a little number of it. As I wrote even before all girls did a great job, but i’d like to point out Jasmine. Like a 'Little Miss Sunshine' her performances were something special. She obviously felt happy yesterday. To watch Jasmine meant a lot of fun for me.Thumb up And, due to the viewers wishes, changed her clothes a lot of times.
In summary for me it was a good and pleasing show!Thumb upThumb up

ETV show from 10pm to 3am (Gabrielle, Selena, White, Danna, Lana)
For me it nearly was a perfect night show. From 11pm to 0:30am Gabrielle, Selena, White did a hot show. Approximately from 0:30am they started a show which could only be described as a 'hot as hell show (within the restrictions of ETV)'. Danna needed a little time for warming-up. But then she was very close to the performance of the others. If this is the 'wind of change' on ETV I fully agree with it!Thumb upThumb upThumb up
Ohhh, I almost forgot to write about Lara. She was in the studio. I think that’s all you need to know about her ...Thumb down

Have a nice week, Hannes

26.01.2015, 01:29

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

mmm lara....beautiful perfect ponygirl!

[hidden image - please register]

In love

26.01.2015, 00:21

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

while at sexysat sunday afternoon open mu **** s are shown in close-up, may show etv lara dressed in the night show, and viewers still send vip sms.
crazy world ! Sad

25.01.2015, 23:47

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Night show two distinct groups, those that make the program in the studio and Lara, led by "exclusive" group.Thumb down

24.01.2015, 07:47

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

chupito.... Tongue

24.01.2015, 00:53

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

wooow...THAT desperate??? Happy Hour in ns...feels like years since the last time

23.01.2015, 17:27

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

maesefakir wrote:chupitos?

[hidden image - please register]

23.01.2015, 15:06

Re: Now on ETV - The current show


23.01.2015, 12:45

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

ugo is asking a lot of bugs bunny show(feet on head as rabbit is doing it but unfortunately for ugo today the cam is lazy and so far from the target, as some director's brain ... maybe too many chupitos... so, dear ugo, no bugs bunny show for you... poor ugo, poor costumer that spend your money for nothing...
That's all for today.

Thumb down puke Angry Envy

22.01.2015, 18:47

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

glassy wrote:Have only seen short bits of the show tonight. From what I've seen it seems to be a good show going on. And at last--a handheld camera being used- much better views of the girls.

Could they have told us it was crap beforehand?

22.01.2015, 17:56

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

finally kiera will open the last gift and will find a huge black dildo... but only after 100 episodes! So guys calm down and wait, and wait, and wait......

Big Grin

22.01.2015, 02:33

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Have only seen short bits of the show tonight. From what I've seen it seems to be a good show going on. And at last--a handheld camera being used- much better views of the girls.

22.01.2015, 00:16

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

A good cast with pretty girls. But (webstream) ruined by bad resolution, bad light and lots of pixellations during fast movements.AngryAngryAngry
I doubt they will ever learn.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry