Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

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25.11.2012, 23:39

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Angelina, Kia, Kiara, Nancy, Lilian, Spirit together in a nightshow? And also with the freshness of Olive and Eliza? But this is a dream, or the paradise. If this is a dream, I continue to sleep in the company of this same dream. All is so sweet and exciting with these great models.

23.11.2012, 23:34

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

opsBig Grin
i must watchTongueBig Grin

23.11.2012, 22:31

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Karry in net wearing again... looks promising? I (We) hope so Thumb up

23.11.2012, 22:28

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I hope the models in the studio have also a mute button to turn off this terrible "music". Angry

23.11.2012, 20:29

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Dorian in the house right now - just in case somebody wants to talk about the golden years of ETV Smile

20.11.2012, 22:20

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

karry in pink dress and high hellsTongue
tomorrow i workCry
....but who caresBig GrinBig Grin

20.11.2012, 22:00

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

i'm just arrived at homeBig Grin
and i'm ready for the showCool

19.11.2012, 19:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Princess Lilian filling the whole screen everytime I take a look at etv .... 'High-Collar-Brona' with black trousers and black boots in front of a black background ... black Timi in front of .... I see black for the future of this channel Sad

19.11.2012, 17:59

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

It's very strange that someone left a razor and a shaving foam in the shower but no models use them, isn't it?Cry

18.11.2012, 16:23

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

i have an idea is : repleace timi by alice Heart

17.11.2012, 17:26

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Probably ETV works well only with the emergency lighting Thumb down

16.11.2012, 23:17

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

i'm watching and enjoyingTongueBig Grin

16.11.2012, 23:08

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

CommanderData wrote:Anyone knows why and when Sabrina left the studio? Sad

Thank you!

Guess she made some hours web show before and appeared for 1:30 or 2 more at night - then she had to leave because the molvanian trade union doesn't allow models to work overtime ....took some viewers hours to notice she was gone ... you too ? Big Grin

16.11.2012, 12:04

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Dorian just re-appeared for a short greet (let's hope at least, she just is missing).
EDIT: 13:15, Timi not yet in studio, expect Lilian in some minutes.
EDIT: 14:45 guess who is in studio right now Big Grin

16.11.2012, 10:38

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

...and also when she will return!