Now on ETV - The current show

4.09 (32 rating(s))

(4.09 / 5, 32 ratings)

Author Posts

24.06.2011, 00:42

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

live memoriesCry

23.06.2011, 22:36

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

it is a Baccanale, hope well...

23.06.2011, 22:27

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

outside wrote:Tonight:
Nextcave girls.
Big Grin

After the exciting last night, the audience can relax now and sleep. Big Grin

23.06.2011, 22:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Yes outside, theme seems: Cave-life in Molvania Hills 100 years ago ! Big Grin

23.06.2011, 22:14

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Nextcave girls.
Big Grin

23.06.2011, 02:02

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

GenaroXP wrote:
nighthawk wrote:Hi Lace, If I'm not wrong this is your first shower show.

No,sorry but it´s her second one then her first shower show was 2 weeks ago but she had leave the studio after 1 or 1 1/2 hours Smile

Hi Mr. Genaro XP,

thanks for the info. Thumb up I didn't watch this show.

but can we count 90 min this for a full show ? (only a joke) Big Grin
O.K. the bill would be normal. Oh no it's the same month... Big GrinBig Grin

Greets and Thanks again

23.06.2011, 01:20

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

i want that janine remains as the director, and clio gets a model again! how about that?! Big Grin

23.06.2011, 01:16

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

nighthawk wrote:Hi Lace, If I'm not wrong this is your first shower show.

No,sorry but it´s her second one then her first shower show was 2 weeks ago but she had leave the studio after 1 or 1 1/2 hours Smile

23.06.2011, 01:14

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

this shower show is breath taking so far, the girls are the best...and kate is the comparison of best!!! Smile her teasing reminds me of scarlet and mashiara before they took their clothes off Thumb up

23.06.2011, 01:12

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

Hi Lace, If I'm not wrong this is your first shower show.
Could be possible the water bill for ETV will be higher a little bit this month. Big Grin Big Grin

But really a good shower show from all the ladies and NICE MUSIC Thumb up


23.06.2011, 01:05

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

It´s a very hot and sensual show the only one what I miss is that "Kitty" will going topless like all other model too Smile......but I´m sure for some guys it will be a sleepless night Big Grin......then until this point it is one of the best (I will not say the best) shower shows which I have ever seen´s a great work from all which are involved in that show (Models,Director,Operators) especially the three shower show debutants "Lina & Kitty" and also the director Janine Thumb up

23.06.2011, 00:43

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

first of all tonight all is incredible.......models.......director work....erotic atmosphere and for last but dosn't less important after a long long time great musicThumb up

23.06.2011, 00:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

gatsu2 wrote:this evening the show is wonderfull , kate is great and angelina is crazy Smile
kristina is "the body" !!! randa is .......randa!!!!

what a enthusiast newbie.....i like you enthusiasm......this forum needs persons like you........welcomeThumb up

23.06.2011, 00:25

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

I haven't any words to describe Angelina's magnificence tonight.
She always does something special, but she has taken over herself tonight.
Thumb up

22.06.2011, 23:50

Re: Now on ETV - The current show

this evening the show is wonderfull , kate is great and angelina is crazy Smile
kristina is "the body" !!! randa is .......randa!!!!
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