New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

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10.11.2010, 15:20

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

great!!! Thumb upThumb upThumb up

10.11.2010, 15:12

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

Of course.
Menu--->Gestione altri canali---->ricerca automatica--->OK---->wait for complete scan---->OK----->organizza altri canali------>search for Eurotic TV----->OK
ETV would be available on chan 9600.

10.11.2010, 15:07

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

"canali aggiuntivi?" thx again!

10.11.2010, 11:18

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

ETV on Skybox again.
Thumb up

01.11.2010, 10:55

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

Still no news for italian Sky users.
Thumb down

21.10.2010, 16:54

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

elmo wrote:Hotbird signal breaking up and dropping out since 16.00

answer to the above webstream is OK

Yes it looks they are having problems with HB if you remember they had this problem a few months ago then it was fix close to the night show

21.10.2010, 16:54

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

elmo wrote:Hotbird signal breaking up and dropping out since 16.00

answer to the above webstream is OK

It continues same way right now.

21.10.2010, 16:51

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

The signal from the Astra is ok. So it's probably just some problems with HB

21.10.2010, 16:47

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

Webstream looks OK.

21.10.2010, 16:43

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

Hotbird signal breaking up and dropping out since 16.00

answer to the above webstream is OK

15.10.2010, 22:03

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

outside wrote:I have a question for German viewers with German Skybox, is ETV still available?
Some italian users with dual feed dish (so HB and Astra) don't receive ETV Astra anymore.
And of course ETV still not available on italian Skybox.
Fooling the viewers, over and over again.

I've a german sky box.
I can receive all Astra channels (including etv) and all my ppv sport channels.
Only Astra no HB.

15.10.2010, 21:52

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

I have a question for German viewers with German Skybox, is ETV still available?
Some italian users with dual feed dish (so HB and Astra) don't receive ETV Astra anymore.
And of course ETV still not available on italian Skybox.
Fooling the viewers, over and over again.

14.10.2010, 16:17

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

Yasmine1 wrote:Did I understand correct in my poor Italian , is ETV back to Skybox ?

Unfortunately no.

09.10.2010, 13:40

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

Did I understand correct in my poor Italian , is ETV back to Skybox ?

02.10.2010, 02:34

Re: New Frequency for eUrotic.Tv on Hotbird

It certainly will not buy another decoder just to see eurotic, especially looking at the past shows ... The girls get naked but when there is a hot show just the cameraman moves on a girl talking on the phone and that is not doing anything ... Rather than buy another decoder rather have a eurotic card but with the guarantee of having really hot shows
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