New ETV Concept

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11.03.2008, 22:20

Re: New ETV Concept

It was no fake, but the names of most winners were very familiar if you compare them to the usual VIP-writers. I guess that they are also regular callers and the models knew very well who was getting this stuff. To find a neutral formulation: it was a semi-open contest. You have no chance to win, if you are not a preferred contact of the respective model. The guys are real. As they have shown the names and addresses, you just need to take a look at the phonebook to call them and ask if they received this stuff.

11.03.2008, 22:07

Re: New ETV Concept

HvB, my impression was as if they have sent the letters to the viewers. So the whole thing just a fake?

(Ok, I'm meanwhile outsider in case of etv. :-(( )

11.03.2008, 21:58

Re: New ETV Concept

I'm not an oLdie!!!  :=((

and what is internet?!?  :=))

@HvB: you mean i am NOT the only hopeless case here (except ETV of course)?

hmm  'hopeless cases' remind me of a part from 'mad-tv':  "Lowered Expectations". Hey,  THAT is the ETV-concept!

11.03.2008, 21:52

Re: New ETV Concept

They aren’t selling them (or did that shop open lately and I missed it?). They just use this to generate a quite impressive amount of VIP SMS. It doesn’t matter how long they were worn. As you might have noticed, in most cases the winners have been the guys that already send a lot of SMS for the specific model, whose slip they have won. So it’s more of a reword system, than some actual fetish stuff. I don’t think that your idea will be equally successful. I think it would be going just too far for the intended recipients.

11.03.2008, 21:42

Re: New ETV Concept


I meant it serious. Do they get more for a girl's slip if it is worn 3 days. What about 5 days old slip?

At TV I saw a docu about japanese men. They are crazy for used slips from girls. The more they smell the better they sell. Oops, a rhyme. :-DD

My concept: Add a tampax to the slip with the smell of the girl, but a white one. :-D

11.03.2008, 21:35

Re: New ETV Concept

Oldie 512 said: "or the ones that only have astra and so have not much choice"

There's always a choice. It's called internet.

11.03.2008, 21:26

Re: New ETV Concept

@oldie512:Please, don't give them ideas like that ;-)
I will ask my psychiatrist what he thinks about these options. Normally he insists that I’m just a hopeless case … ;-)
@thinkingbull: more than you will get, so don't waste time thinking about offering yours ;-) 

11.03.2008, 21:21

Re: New ETV Concept

Can someone tell me how much etv gets for used slips?

11.03.2008, 21:09

Re: New ETV Concept

@HvB: or the ones that only have astra and so have not much choice...  :=((

and of course the masochists (it's an absolute requirement to be one for some of their 'shows')...  :=))

hmm  also an interesting concept...

11.03.2008, 20:52

Re: New ETV Concept

I think it’s a new audience. The old audience is leaving with the models they like. Only the hopeless cases keep on watching and complaining ;-)

11.03.2008, 20:36

Re: New ETV Concept


Hi, I think the new audience is the "old" silent majority which doesn't write in this forum. Maybe they read the posts but I'm not sure.

11.03.2008, 20:27

Re: New ETV Concept


They're losing regulars - that's your "Stammfans". But if they're sending a SMS to say so, they're still paying customers and ETV can have a big laugh at their expense.

I for one haven't tuned in since Jaya left and the SMS took over the larger parts of the screen. No big loss, when I'm browsing through the posts at this site. ETV is more or less dead and not worth the time and annoyance of actually watching it.

It seems, that they have found a new kind of audience. Unless some of you keep spending money without saying so, there have to be others feeding the cash cow.

11.03.2008, 19:19

Re: New ETV Concept

Questions from ETV-Management: What the hell is a 'concept'? Do we really need such a thing? Isn't that too expensive?

11.03.2008, 18:21

Re: New ETV Concept


it seems to me alot of Fans who aren´t here on the forum now are angry. Some sms were they say they lost some "Stammfans". I don´t know how to translate this.

The concept of the new show is that they have not a concept.


11.03.2008, 13:41

Re: New ETV Concept

That kind of programme does already exist in that certain country TV, just search on youtube for "Dance With Me".

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